I am a current employee of Wholesale Hearing - Ask me Anything!

Hi Forum Users!

I am one of the support team for www.wholesalehearing.co.uk - I recently came across some older topics with some questions regarding Wholesale Hearing, how we work and the products we do/don’t offer!

I’m here to hopefully publicly answer any questions users may have to help the understanding of the process of obtaining devices from Wholesale Hearing as many of you know Online Hearing Aid Dispensers vary in their offerings from the traditional brick & mortal clinics & from other online based dispensers.

As they would say on Reddit, Ask me Anything! I’ll be checking this topic once a day or so!

Best Regards,
Wholesale Hearing


I fully recommend Wholesale Hearing in the UK. A prompt and friendly service


Do you know if it works even abroad? I can speak English so I would relate with the audiologist in English but do they treat customers in other countries?