How long should a N8 cable coil last?

I am wondering if anyone else is going through lots of N8 cable coils. I replaced one 24 days again and already it has stopped working. There is no visible damage and I am not rough on my cables. They go in the drying box every night.

Not sure exactly. I’ve had my CI about 4 months and i’m still on my first coil with my N8. I’m not exactly nice to it though as I wear a hardhat at work. I’m constantly putting on and taking off my hardhat. 24 days seems very short though.

Only guessing but it might be a fault with the part where the cable coil goes into the N8?

Not on hearing devices, but that’s been a cause as to why things of mine have failed.

Could be, but the processor also got replaced at the same time.

Oh interesting.

Likely not the issue unless you’ve only have 1 x N8.

I have two. The other side is on its first cable.

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I’ve had my N7 for 4 years and only replaced the coil once. Sometimes if the coil is too small in length the bend of the coil is far too sharp. Therefore the wires inside get broken. I started with a 6 cm coil and the bend was far too sharp the wires broke. Since I went to 8 cm coils I haven’t had any problems.

I’ve had my N8 now since January 23 and I’m still on the same coil. Generally when the app finds a fault you get a message from the app telling you what’s wrong. Have you had any messages?


The breaking cables are 8cm ones which I went to from 6cm ones. I have only got messages for processor fault. When the cable stoped working, the app said that the coil was off even when it as on the magnet site. Is it worth going to 11cm cables?

I’ve been getting faulty app messages on my phone. I sent these messages to my aud and she said to ignore the app. Apparently the app is known for giving faulty messages with the N8.

Perhaps you should be doing screen shots of the messages you are getting and show your Ci aud. Because you shouldn’t be going through all these coils. Let your Aud sort this problem out for you.

I also deleted the app and reinstalled it as well as rebooting my phone. Since doing this 2.5 months ago I’ve not had a faulty message from the app.


Could you share a picture of the processor on your head, as you typically wear it?
That should help us see if the cable is long enough.

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Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 8.25.21 AM

The latest cable just before it stopped sending sound.
Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 8.33.53 AM

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Thanks for the pictures.
That coil wire length looks fine, not too short or long.

I wear N7 and K2 processors. Typically about 6 months each for cool and warm weather reasons.

I have not had any issues with the coils. I do not put them in a dryer each night, only in really wet circumstances will I use the dryer, like stepping into the shower once.

Making sure the connection is tight on the processor is about the only thing I can think of. The phone app has nothing to do with the processor working. It is just for changing setting, streaming and looking at status.

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Are you disconnecting/reconnecting the coil often?
Do you flex or twist the cable very much?

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I don’t disconnect the cable except to replace it.
I don’t twist the cable either.

Worth a shot. Definitely something strange going on.

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Have you tried switching coils from one side to the other when one messes up?
You are bilateral or have a spare processor, correct?

Have disconnected the coil from the processor and reconnected to see if that fixes the issue?


Yes, still doesn’t work. I am bilateral. Yes, I have reconnected the coil. I am getting the cable replaced.

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