How concerning is this judgment?

While doing research on which cochlear implant to choose I ran on to this judgment against AB. I’m not sure how significant/harmful this misleading statement about “radio-frequency (RF) emissions generated by some of its cochlear implant processors" is. This certainly doesn’t give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about AB. Any thoughts?

I’m certainly no engineering whiz, but it does rather conjure up coverups in other industries and/or companies, Big Tobacco, leaded gasoline, Love Canal, Flint MI water, diet pills … it wouldn’t be the first time that an “inconvenient” truth was swept under the carpet. I would also not get a warm-fuzzy with a company that deliberately misleads, mis-states, lobbies to influence, or creates a corporate culture of profit over quality of life (think Enron’s backroom dealing with CA’s energy grid providers).

As far back as 2021, AB was in trouble for selling knowingly defective CIs - some 50% of devices sold, many to children. I don’t know how a company could retain any crediblity after such blatant abuse of their patients.

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I just chose AB for my CI surgery Nov 30th. This would not have changed my decision. These sorts of issues could be anywhere and we may not know. Now that they have been fined for it, they will be more careful. Maybe the extra oversight will be a good thing. I like the technology and the way it pairs with the Phonak Link HA. AB is owned by the parent company that makes Phonak, and they are mainstays in the hearing aid world.

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AB have always been known for faulty internal parts going back years, that need to be replaced. That’s one of the reasons why I chose Cochlear.

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This just affect the external device HW, not the internal HW. Not a big deal. this tells me AB is willing to cut corners on a $12k device… does not look good at all for a company that have way too many recalls…

Disclosure: I am team yellow! (Cochlear Ltd)

I’m sure it was the internal hardware that needed to be removed and replaced.

This article states revision surgery was required.

I sure wouldn’t be happy.

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I’m surprised we don’t read about this stuff more often.

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Thanks for all your replies. It seems this problem may not be a decision changer but it is indicative of other problems AB has had over the years. There are things I like about AB’s implant and I have used phonak hearing aids for years. But I would be kicking myself if I chose AB then had problems. It is going to be interesting to hear what the surgeon has to say on the 17th.

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This may not be related, but I found this interesting when I first read it as part of my research before getting my CI.FDA Adverse Events | cochlear implant HELP

Hey, even if your surgeon recommends AB, go with your GUT. You never know what goes on behind the scenes. Sometimes surgeons get kickbacks or perks when they recommend a vendor.

My gut tells me to stay away from AB. They deserve the loss in business they should be getting. It’s unacceptable, unprofessional and criminal to knowingly peddle a medical device with FLAWS.

Like, go make a fast buck selling rubber crutches or screen doors on subs, ok?

Aren’t kickback illegal for medical device but I suspect people in the US choose AB because it is made/designed in the USA…

Technically I bet kickbacks are “illegal” here in the US but vendors will offer other perks like expensive dinner out, golf date, or maybe even a supply of clinician coats embroidered with their logo. I’ve seen that at HA clinics where they promote a single brand (even if they can be arm-twisted into fitting you with another brand).

Cochlear did this and got busted…


Well there ya go! Human nature, I guess. Glad they got BUSTED.

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