When searching for a company that supplies and fits HA’s, I firstly went to Hidden Hearing.
They quoted me a price of roughly double the price of the same HA’s from Specsavers.
What do Hidden hearing do that other suppliers do not to command such high prices?
I’m just guessing here. Many people want to hide the fact that they’re wearing hearing aids so they may search for the word hidden when they’re looking for hearing aids. Hidden hearing may be the first company that they find? The company may pay a premium to get their company to be the first that shows up in a search.
Hidden Hearing are owned by Demant group, Oticon, Philips, Bernafon.
So the ‘hidden’ part refers to the fact that they are trying to hide that they are both supplier and retailer, with an unfair advantage over Demant’s own audiologist customers?
I went to them first. They tried to charge me 3,300 for a pair of oticon intent 4’s whilst telling me the 1’s would be about 6k. Once I found out how much they were overcharging I called them to see if they would price match. They wouldn’t.
Their reasoning was ongoing support and warranty and they claimed their warranty was longer than others. It isn’t. They offer nothing over and above anyone else.
I did try Specsavers but they have their own weird marketing and I didn’t really have a good experience with my local branch.
In the end I got Resound 9’s for a good price at Wholesale Hearing. Only issue they do not have bricks and mortar stores. I decided to go down the self programming route for ease but might not be suitable for everyone. They also need a copy of your audiogram which you can call and request from Hidden Hearing but they will only post it, not email it.
Yes they do charge a premium price. Must be to cover the rent in their high street shops. They don’t have the extra income that selling glasses or drugs that Boots and Specsavers have. Amplifon are the other major hearing aid shop, wonder how their prices compare.
The one I visited was a small unit in Tesco. There is an Amplifon near me as well but never tried it. To be honest it’s in a part of town I tend to keep clear of
I bought HA’s from Amplifon, and they price matched to Specsavers with a reduction £300. Good service as well and £3300 reduction compared to Hidden hearing
As a newbie to the DIY approach, I have significantly improved my HA’s, the only downside is that I can hear my wife much better now
However, with the excellent help from forum members I found it not too difficult, and I encourage anyone who is thinking of going down this path to do it.
A good question and one I would also like to know the answer to. My hearing loss is profound and I can hear very little without my aids. When one of them breaks down my current dispenser (very good but expensive) lends me an aid until mine is repaired. I’m not sure Specsavers would do this?
With respect, I am sure Specsavers wouldn’t, but its food for thought, that Specsavers could have probably sold you two pairs of HA’s for the price of one pair that Hidden hearing charge.
Interesting scenario.