Hi Pro Communication Problem

I used to use a similar type of setup. (The COM port number kept changing after the computer was turned off, so I stopped). I used an IOGear adapter, as it was recommended as one that was compatible with the serial Hi-Pro.

There is a software setting that sets the COM port that the USB to Serial is set at and this needs to match the software com port setting for the Hi-Pro.

WOW, thanks for the very quick help. It sounds like the cable adapter is most likely the problem. I had been told a Belkin was the right one but now have more choices.

I am aware of the COM port number. I understand it has to be between 1 and 4, not anything higher numerically. Have made sure that is right.

As far as the Phonak software, I have not seen the choice for XP compatibility mode. Where is it found? I plan to use the Phonak iPFG 2.4a or the iPFG 2.5 program to program the Savia aids. The older version PFG 8.6b does not include the Savia aids.

Thanks again for everyone’s help.

Robert’s response about the XP mode could be right also. I’m trying to skip vista.
You have a desktop shortcut but if you go to programs you should have a Phonak program group. If you put your curser there you will see IPFG and tools. select tools and choose HI-PRO configuration. It is a little program provided to check communication and it will also offer to update the firmware.

Thanks again for more info.

I checked everything mentioned except the XP mode. I can not find that.

I had found the other stuff in other places but your spot at programs was very handy. Thanks

I am looking for the named adapters with no luck locally. I have found them on eBay so I guess I should get that going.

My family is very excited about me getting aids so I will quit saying “WHAT” or “HUH”


Thanks for everyones help.

Thinking the serial/USB adapter was the problem I did find and buy the IOGear GUC232A. It came with a drivers disk and that was loaded. Same problem, no go. The booklet that came with this adapter showed how to manually set the adapter up, so I gave that a try, no go. This taught me something about setting up the port for this adapter and whatever device it will be operating with. That is where I am off I believe.

When hardware wizard is ran it asks for a CD or manually enter the device that will be operated. I do not have a CD for the Hi pro and Windows does not know Hi Pro. That I believe is my hold up.

Can anyone help me with the port setting for the serial port Hi Pro. They are found in Control Panel / Device Manager / Ports (Com & LPT). Yours may say Hi Pro, not sure. Double click the port for the Hi pro and see what the port setting are.

Thanks for any help with this.


Due to the bad luck on my laptop I decided to try the Phonak program on my wife’s desk top computer. It has a serial port so no adapter will be needed for the Hi Pro. When everything was hooked up the Hi Pro came to life for about a minute. It showed the serial numbers of the Savia aids and when I stepped it toward programming everything stopped again.

Now I am wondering if the Phonak program iPFG 2.5 is designed for USB only. Not sure what to do now.



Sorry you are still have issues with your setup.

I have used the iPFG 2.5 version on my Lenovo laptop with serial port located in the docking station successfully, along with upgrading the Naida firmware.


Is it starting to sound like there is a problem with the Hi Pro?

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone.

The 9 pin serial cable was bad, verified with a volt/ohm meter. Bought a new one and found the Hi Pro needed updating. After that off to the races with programming the Phonak Savia aids.

I plan to leave them alone for one week before making any changes. Is that long enough or should I wait longer? I still have all the tinnitus that I had before while wearing the aids. Is there something I could do with the aids to minimize tinnitus?

Now that the Hi Pro is updated, I wonder if I can get it to work on my laptop using the USB connection?

Thanks again to everyone.

Wanted to pass on an update concerning the serial port Hi Pro usage on Windows Vista using a Belkin serial/USB adapter.

Over the past month I have been unable to get this serial Hi Pro to work on my laptop with the Vista operating system. I have been able to do all my Phonak programming on my wife’s PC that uses the Windows XP operating system.

Over the last couple weeks I have been getting a bunch of Windows Vista updates. So, for the heck of it today I tried again to run the Hi Pro on my laptop tied to my Phonak Savia aids. It worked like a jewel.

Passing on a little info for the DIY people.

please send a link of the belkin adapter, i need to upgrade my pc

The funny thing about this adapter working properly now is I deleted all Belkin drivers from my laptop a few weeks ago when it would not work. I just did a search on my PC for Belkin and could not find anything???

I remember one of the Vista updates was a group of drivers. I suspect Vista recognizes the port parameters of the Hi Pro now. Vista had no problems recognizing all three of USB/serial adapters I tried a few weeks ago. It was just the Hi Pro it did not recognize.

If you are up to date with all your Windows updates I have a feeling you may good to go on the serial/USB adapter with Hi Pro.

I just got a Serial HiPro. And i have the IOGEAR usb adapter on my XPsp3 notebook.
Could someone please provide me with the handshake settings of they are using successfully with the HiPro.
Bits pers second: 9600 ?
Data bits: 8 ?
Parity None : ?
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control : None

Not sure if the FIFO buffers in advanced Com settings apply here ?

I just joined and look forward to a sharing and growing with a great group here.

Not sure if i should have started a new post, but it seems like it is exactly on topic here.

Does anyone know the correct settings to the question posted above? ^^

I have similar problems with a USB HiPro . I have windows vista momentarily and want to change to windows 7.
My Hipro CD has no drivers for win7 or vista?
The HiPro doesn’t flash, when I connect the cables to the hearing aids with Phonak softwares like yours. I live in Germany , my English is not so good. If you were successful in the meantime, I would be glad for any further hint to solve my problem!
Wilfried (w.brueck@web.de)

I ran a USB Hi Pro on Windows Vista 32 bit operating system. The CD that came with the Hi Pro worked fine. You might try going to GN Otometrics and finding their USB Hi Pro download and giving that a try. Which iPFG program are you running? The 2.5a is the latest. Did you run the Hi Pro configuration under the Phonak tools? It can be found in the Windows “Start” under “All Programs” then “Phonak”.

Good luck

I have a USB HiPro I am using with Win7 64bit and recently it stopped working in iPFG 2.5a. This happened after I installed the fitting software from another hearing aid manufacture. The problem was that the HiPro was moved to com port 6, I moved it back to com 4 and removed the other fitting software. Now, everything works fine. Hope this helps and, by the way, your English is excellent.

As I had trouble with the Hi-pro connection (again), I scourged the net for info. (In the end it was the cable! Make sure to check the connections with a multimeter!!)

The technical specifications of the Hi-Pro can be found here.

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I’ve never had to dig that deeply into the serial settings for my Hi-Pro (which I have used with a few computers now). Problems have always turned out to be related to drivers for the USB/serial converter.

And do you need a null-modem cable? I do, with the converter I’m using (an long-obsolete Belkin).

The information on the web points in all directions. :slight_smile:
Yes, you need a null modem cable, but unfortunately, there are a lot of them


I started with a guide for serial Hi-pro’s on Windows 7:

According to this nice wiki about null modem cables this is a null modem cable with loop back handshaking (,albeit with a mistake in the picture–the text is correct.) I soldered the arrowed connections myself, because the one that I was supplied with—and worked well for a year— was a null modem cable without handshaking.

So apart from the obvious times the system was out-of-order, both worked for me with a connection from the Hi-Pro directly to the COM header on my PC motherboard. I’ve tested the loop back handshaking null modem cable connected to a Serial2USB device with a CH341 chip inside and it worked.

Depending on the connection your computer has to the Hi-Pro it seems that you have 4 (FOUR!) possibilities to try out:

Obviously you only have to de-/solder the loop back connections to switch between without handshaking and loop back: Both have 3 wires running from one DB9 connector to the other. The Partial and Full handshaking both have 7(!) wires running through the cable.

II. So what do you need?
As I was fixing a system that worked before and I was supplied with a cable that had three wires, I only tried the Partial handshaking. Do you need more? Looking at the wiki for serial ports:

Bit rates commonly supported include 75, 110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200 bit/s.
Comparing this to the technical specifications that state the baud rate as
1200 (default), 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 baud
, the Hi-Pro really has no high speed connection. So it is unlikely that the 7-wires connection from the Partial and Full handshaking is needed. Safest bet is Partial handshaking since it also allows for DTE/DCE compatibility.

However, for compatibility issues, especially those arising from USB2serial (USB2DB9) I would stop fidgeting with those settings and rather look at all four null modem cable options. (Mine only cost around 3€ and it works nicely with Partial handshaking.)