Hi Pro 2 Connectivity Issue

AcePC T11 with windows 10, com-port 1.
In case I threw away 400 $, this item is as fast as Hipro usb standard or slower? Thank you.

The serial USB (universal serial bus) port is used for communication between your PC/laptop
and the HiPro.
Communication is USB 2.0 full Speed (USB 1.1 compatible)

So what exactly is the issue again, You can’t make a connection? What software are you using and HAs are you trying to connect with.

Get the installation guide and driver from here.

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Thank you for support. Attached what is shown in configuration tool.
In this supposed Hipro 2 the entry USB port is No, but in my previous Hipro USB it was Yes.

I can still programming the HA, just want know the real speed of this item.

Are you using HI-PRO USB , or HI-PRO with serial connector?

if your HI-PRO have an serial port (RS-232) then the connection is slower as with USB, and via serial port connection the data transfer need more time.

Photo of Serial-Port
RS-232 / serial port

Serial Port Speed Serial port - Wikipedia

USB speed

As the window is titled Hi-Pro 2, it looks like you can connect the Hi-pro 2 both via USB and serial-interface.

However, since I never used a non-serial Hi-Pro I am not sure, of course. Could anyone be so industrious that they provide a old Hi-Pro with serial interface with an internal serial-2-USB converter, that established itself as an Hi-Pro 2? Seems a lot of work.

Can’t remember what the firmware version on my serial Hi-Pro was. But it seems that 4.00 is a higher version than my Hi-Pro serial ever reached.

There are other (, older) threads that discuss the speed of serial Hi-Pro connections, though. IIRC, you could vary the bitrate to get an increase in speed.

Hipro USB, sold as “2”

I think there is exactly this inside, unfortunately, or not?

As stated, it’s USB only, the MK 2 version is 5 times faster than MK 1, the difference in speeds in the USB 2.0 port is up to 480 Mb per second, I don’t see why this makes any difference tho, I’m glad your still able to provide programming with your set up, that AcePC T11 is a little beast for sure.
Did you check your device manager to see what it shows there.
Like in this screenshot “borrowed without copyright from another member”

Yes, you have a counterfeit HI-PRO 2, as you suspected. These will display “USB port: No” in the configuration program and cannot be updated to the latest firmware version (4.01.0092).

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Well that’s interesting, this is the very first time I’ve seen one, will not being able to update the firmware stop it from working I wonder? Well at least we have the industry standard Noahlink wireless now, hope they don’t go pirating that!

So it is a masked serial Hipro, slower than USB one (white box), right?

I thought you said you had HiPro 2 which is the black one?

yes, I bought the black one, and sold my white USB one