My mother-in-law has an older hearing aid (pair of Widex Unique - U-FS 330) but none of the accessories other than the RC2-DEX remote control (which works fine).
My wife and I would like to help improve my MIL’s quality of life by buying an accessory or two for the hearing aids but since the hearing aids are somewhat old, and potentially will be replaced in a couple of years, we were hoping to buy a used accessory on Ebay or something like that, rather than springing for new ones at retail price. Top of the wishlist is the TV-DEX since my MIL watches TV every night.
So my question is, do the DEX accessories need a special visit to the audiologist to setup, for example to add a used TV-DEX to my MIL’s hearing aids? (considering that the hearing aids are already configured with the RC2-DEX) Or is the TV-DEX a device that will detect the hearing aid already within range and work automatically once the TV-DEX base is properly plugged into a TV?
My understanding is that she would wear the TV-Controller on a lanyard around her neck and I’m hoping that this means the Controller is working by proximity to her hearing aids, not some special setup requiring a trip to the audiologist office. (Also during COVID, this wouldn’t be an option).
I searched the forums and wasn’t able to find the answer to my question. Thank you all for any help you can offer!
The TV-DEX can be paired at home without a visit to the clinician… set the TV-DEX up to the TV, connecting the power to the wall and the TV dex to the TV. Switch the hearing aids on (its been a little while since I did this so cant remember if this was necessary but do it anyway). Now hold the TV-DEX remote near the hearing aids and simultaneously press the + and - buttons together for a few seconds. you will hear a confirmation beep in both of the the hearing aids. Now switch the hearing aid off and on again and the TV-DEX should now be paired and sound can stream through (you should hear a noticable difference once the audio stream starts)
Hi @MFAUD thanks so much for your insight! I live hundreds of miles from my MIA so having these instructions is going to be incredibly helpful.
One other question - did you use the TV-DEX yourself or as a provider to clients? I’m wondering if users generally find it an improvement worth the hassle because the sound is that much better coming directly into the HA – or does it not work out that smoothly in real life usage and people go back to using the TV loud in the room?
I was an actual user of TV-DEX until a year ago before I changed to Phonak Naida V (now to Naida B) HA.
In order to use TV-DEX, you need to have Widex TV-BASE too. TV-BASE works as transmitter that transmit TV sound to the TV-DEX. It also works as charging base for TV-DEX.
You need to pair TV-DEX with both HAs and TV-BASE. Pairing TV-DEX to HAs is easy and doesn’t require audiologist as MFAUD described above. Make it sure you pair TV-DEX with both HAs so that you can enjoy stereo sound. Charging the TV-DEX with TV-BASE, or leaving TV-DEX on TV-BASE will automatically pair the TV-DEX to the base.
Connect TV-DEX’s TV or audio port to audio source of your TV using appropriate cable. I use RCA to audio cable, but your TV may require different kind of cable. Wear TV-DEX around your Neck using lanyard. Turn on TV. Turn on TV-DEX. You hear the TV sound through your HAs.
The volume and quality of sound depends on the location of the TV-DEX. The nearer the better. It you place the TV-DEX far from your ears, the sound may not be loud enough to enjoy. You may also loose the signal we you move your torso.
If you put the TV-DEX near your left ear, you will have better sound in left ear, but poor or no sound in your right year.
I would locate the TV-BASE in front of the TV. I would wear the TV-DEX so that it stays just below your chin by pulling and tying the neck string of lanyard short. Make it sure to keep the lanyard short so that TV-DEX doesn’t swing when you move your body. If it does, you may loose signal in one or both ears.
And you seat in front of the TV so that TV-DEX and TV-BASE face each other without anything between.
While I am neither a musician nor audio expert, the sound was pretty good to me. I used to watch and listen to Youtube’s classic orchestra music with this setup.
I am happy to answer as best as I can if you have more questions.
I have not used TV-DEX for myself (have normal hearing thankfully) but I fitted them to plenty of patients and providing the device was set up and working correctly the response from the patient was almost always very positive in comparison to hearing aids alone. I did set up a lot for my patients in their homes as well and can confirm that there is a significant improvement when the TV-DEX is used in conjunction with hearing aids. Definitely worth it in my opinion if watching / listening to TV is a priority!