Help with Silk NX programming

So I bought the wrong box? Awesome. I know I’ve seen this before but I’ve also read in more than one place “Noahlink Wireless works with the entire NX series”. It’s hard to tell what information is current. I guess I’ll try to send this back and see if I can find the ConnexxAir somewhere.


Not in Hearing Tracker forum, right? I don’t see where this was mentioned.

I knew pvc would have the answer.
jstoutemyer: How about the minipro/hipro?

No not here.
“It allows for completely wireless programming of Signia Nx and Pure 13 BT primax hearing aids.” toward the bottom of this page Connexx Eight - Signia - For Professionals

And this NoahLink Wireless Hearing Aid Programmer with software

And I think I saw it somewhere else too

Fortunately I only paid $250 for it but I don’t think I can return it.

You can probably sell it here for that price + shipping cost.

I haven’t looked at those. Are they wireless?

Yeah maybe here or EvilBay where I bought it.

Thanks for the quick responses! I’ll figure out something.

The first link says;

Noahlink Wireless. The industry-standard programming interface based on the Bluetooth low energy standard. It allows for completely wireless programming of Signia Nx and Pure 13 BT primax hearing aids.

That just means completely wireless programming, not programs the complete line of Nx hearing aids.

But thehearingclub is wrong! They are misinformed. Overpriced too. I’ll see if I can contact them.

Well still the line on the Signia site is a little vague I think. But I see your point.

No they are not…

I see the ebay user I bought this from has a used Connexxair for sale. Maybe I can get him to do an even trade :slight_smile:

But then you’d be stuck with a non-industry-standard device that can only program so many specific devices from one brand rather than the other boxes that can program most brands.

If I can’t get the guy that sold me the Noahlink to trade, I’ll be stuck with this box though. But it is something to consider. I can buy the HI-PRO easily enough it seems. Newegg has them. Having a little trouble finding where to buy the right cables though.

Newegg! Whadyaknow. Nice find.
Doesn’t hearingclub have the cables?

I think that Newegg may have Hipro power adapters or power supplies but not Hi Pro Hearing Aid Programming devices.

Looks like the mini pro actually, Hipro Digital Hearing Aid Programmer mini PRO USB Compatible with All Brands Hearing Aids Functioned -±+Ear+Care-_-9SIAFFH7TN7719&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzum7w–J3gIVyAOGCh1bXwfvEAQYBSABEgJKoPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

thehearingclub agreed to change their description.

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That is not a mini pro. It is likely not an authentic HIPRO either. This is a minipro:

@jstoutemyer; you may want to start at the beginning is you have not yet read about the basics. Just click my avatar and then click the link within to get to the beginning.