Help for husband please

My husband damaged his hearing a while ago by doing some DIY at home and he’s finally being seen by our local NHS hospital. Today he’s going for an MRI scan and he’s had the hearing test done. I have attached the results if somebody could kindly advise on the results please? Can someone also explain what the bottom lines on the audio gram mean? As yet we haven’t been told if he’s a candidate for hearing aids so we have no idea moving forward what he can expect. He says his main issue is that he gets pain in the higher frequencies but his normal everyday conversational speech is fine.

Thank you in advance

Not a professional, but your husband’s hearing loss is mild and looks a bit unusual to me (inverted curve). Happily, the loss is especially mild in the frequencies that are the most relevant for speech recognition. I would do a test specifically for this to see if a HA is really necessary.

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The bottom line “could” be the UCL, which sort of indicates you uncomfortably loud tolerance levels??

I didn’t realise you could overlay the speech banana. Here’s mine. Without aids, everything sounds very muffled, and Tinnitus is prevalent.

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Thanks for replying. These are the results from the hearing test he had a Specsavers and the audiologist said he would benefit from hearing aids. The hearing test he had at the hospital was almost identical but the slope went to 70db in the 8hz area. The Dr at the hospital hasn’t indicated whether hearing aids are necessary but was concerned at the drop off in the upper frequency.

Wow that amazing, thank you for taking the time to do this. I also have hearing loss (mine is mild to moderate between 1-4 hz) but he can hear so much more than me! I struggle with speech, can’t hear the timer on the cooker, rain, leaves, small kids etc. and he can hear all of those things. He says music is a problem (it’s his love) as he can’t hear high notes and his ears vibrate (hence the MRI I suppose). He also has loud tinnitus in the left ear due to the damage he inadvertently caused.

P.S. have posted before and thanks to the kindness and knowledge of the people here I finally got hearing aids!


No problem, I’m more of a stalker than a talker! He’s definitely going to get them if he can as he wants to be as normal as possible. In loud settings he can’t hear at all, it’s a jumbled noise to him so fingers crossed the MRI is fine and there is a light at the end of the tunnel for him :crossed_fingers:t3: