Can someone please send me the link for the Phonak Target 7 also please? Thank you!!
Hello, I too would appreciate some help in obtaining the Target software. I’m new to the board and grateful for all the info shared here. I have a Noahlink Wireless on order, and I’m eager to get started. Thanks.
I have an older target and am migrating from w7 to w10. Can’t seem to be able to migrate target 4. Could I please get a newer, compatible version of target? v7, presumably?
Hate to ask - but I guess this is the place. I am also needing assistance from anyone willing to provide a download link for the Target software. I am dipping my toe in to the deep end after about 2 months of following through the DIY threads on self programming.
Hello. Could I also please have the link for the Target Software?
I’m also looking for the Phonak Target 7.x for a long time without success. Could you provide me with a link if you have one? I appreciate any help!
Hi, there! Could you please send me the download link to Phonak Target 7.x? Much appreciated!
Hello everyone
Can anyone share the link to download Phonak target 7.1
I need it to configure cross-R
I thank you in advance
I am looking for the Phonak Target 7 software.
Thanks in advance
Hi would it possible for me to have a link for the Target software as i have inheritated my late mothers hearing aids and need to set them for me.Thanks for your time Kev
I notice you have helped several Phonak Audéo P-R owners with getting the Target program. I would like to get it also if you would.
Thank you
Could somebody share the link to get the most current version of Phonak Target (7.1.2+). Thank you
Hello, I’m also looking fort the Phonak Target software.
Untill now I’ve been using Widex hearing aids and have always been self programming them. I really do not like the way that today’s hearing aids are making decisions I don’t like. I do want to be in control of deciding what is considered to be noise and what isn’t for example!
The latest Widex does not sound like the ones I had before, and I really don’t like them. So I now want to try Phonak, but not before I am sure that I will be able to make and try out some adjustments myself. So, before I even start trying the Phonaks I’m first looking if I can find the software…
Is there any way you can help me with that? It would be highly appreciated!
Howdy! Same here, I am very grateful for the link to Target 7.x!!
Please help
Thank you in advance!
I’m hoping I can also get a copy of Phonak Target 7 software for my new Phonak Paradise. Can someone advise how I get the software? Much appreciated!
Just found this forum, and it looks like a great resource. I also would like to get the target software. Looking into programming a set of KS10s. Thanks!
Got it, Thanks for the help.
I would like to get a copy of the Target software. If someone could help with that, it would be greatly appreciated!
Hey everyone. I got my Phonak P90’s about 2 months ago and my audiologist can’t seem to fit me correctly. I’m looking for a download link to Target 7.x so I can start the process myself, already have the NOAHlink wireless. Can someone please kindly PM me for Phonak Target 7 software download? Thanks!
Hi everbody,
im looking for the download link for Phonak Tarket software, as im unable to see my audiologist due the pandemic, please can any body help with a link for the software.
PS its for my ComPilot II.