Help for download of Phonak Target 7

No that doesn’t have anything to do with the warranty check, its not necessary or compulsory to participate in this, must of been something else you done,but regardless at least you’ve got it working.

I’ve been wondering since the beginning :thinking:… irimi’s opposite :wink: ?!

yo tambien agradeceria mucho el link

Welcome to the forum, sure but don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well, it’s a good idea to read the user guides as this is very helpful for setting up the first time.

How is this affordable?

iCube II is less than $50 and will do the same job.

Dear Sir, I have Phonak Naida Q30 UP and now the level is low can you help me with the software needed for this …many thanks for this

Would much appreciate link for latest Target version. Thank you.

I’m also looking for the Phonak Target software for Kirkland ks10. I understand I will need to purchase Noahlink hardware from Ebay. Will the device come with the required cables for Apple computer?
Thanks for your help

Phonak Target doesn’t work on Apple unless you get a set up that allows you to run Windows 10 etc.

I forgot that. I’m pursuing a setup with either Boot Camp or parallels.

Ok then you should be good to go, the Noahlink wireless programming device comes with its own cable and is plug and play, some people do have some issues with the drivers for win 10 and 11, buts easy enough to sort that out, another thing is Noahlink is not compatible with “ARM” based chips.

Could someone please provide me with a link to download the latest Phonak Target software for an P90. I already have a Noahink wireless.

Hi there, sure it’s available, but do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

Hi all, i have used for years Target 7.1. Now my mother has brand new Lumity 90, and i have discovered that i need Target 9, that has the firmware for Lumity. I was never be able to do the autoupgrade of Target, never succeded.
So is out there anyone that has the link to Target 9 ?
Thank you, ciao !

Hi there, yeah it should of updated, you could force it manually, but anyways 9 is available.

thank you all, you are so kind !

Hello, please can you send me the link for Phonak Target? Thank you.
My Mum has P90-R and I want to see if I can turn on t-coil.

Thank you again,


Welcome to the forum, great your trying to help out your mum , you could test to see if you have T-coil by placing a magnet on the HAs, not all models have a T-coil, you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for any DIY projects, be sure to read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

Hi everyone,
I really need some help. I am trying to find the download link for Phonak Target software so I can do some small adjustments to my hearing aids. It’s super annoying to have to go into the VA to just get a small adjustment and then they over or under adjust them. Any help would be wonderful.

Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough, but do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, plus of course you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects.