I am new to forum.LT hearing aid user currently using custom ear molds and RIC.
I have severe, profound loss and hope to go from RIC to BTE Up to help. Considering Oticon Xceed Up vs Phonak Nadia Lumity up for use with iPhone 14. Streaming zoom seems better than conversations 3 feet away.
I have hard time understanding speech. Any help or suggestions between these two? Or other models for my hearing loss? ThanknyouAudiobram!
I’ve gone from Phonak Naida Paradise to Oticon Xceed. I hear much better with Oticon than I do with Phonak.
I have a profound loss. Looking at your audiogram, you’re in the moderately severe to severe range of hearing loss. Profound hearing loss, starts at 90 dB.
You could easily get away with the Phonak Naida SP or the Oticon Xceed SP rather then getting the UP.
Thank you so much! My right ear keeps getting worse over a number of years (Meniers disease) and i am having problems w conversations that i am hopeful something can help. Really appreciate your feedback.
May i ask one other Q? I have silicone custom molds that helped and am wondering your opinion on these w either Oticon or Phonak. Had issues w domes in these h aids (Miracle ear Meenergy-3 yrs) and prior Oticon (7 years) that were hard especially on right ear and lost too much sound - tho both were RIC.
I have Phonak Naida UP with hard acrylic skeleton molds with 0.8 mm vents. I agree with assessment you could use SP maybe with small tubes. I think they have 13 batteries and are smaller. I never had Oticon. I am not a fan of rechargeable.
The prior hearing aids I had were Oticon rechargeable/replaceable batteries. The rechargeable didn’t last all day and the audiologist swapped out the battery covers and I used replaceable batteries for 6 years.
The current RIC only came w rechargeable but they last all day (15-16 hrs) but I struggle w conversations unless face to face two to three feet away (max), tho streaming zoom and phone calls are more understandable (tho I used InnoCaption for closed caption calls at times)
It’s gotten so that when someone talks I have to ask them to repeat what they say so often that I think a visual like a giant BTE would give a visual clue I can’t hear-If I can wear w glasses. Tho if something can help w speech- whatever size, would be great!
I gave up on music tho can stream some songs from Apple library with lots of base but most aren’t distinguishable anymore (high freq) tho a bit hopeful that maybe there is an aid that might help.
Thank you for your feedback on the vented molds. I had acrylic w my Oticon and currently use silicone in both ears.