Hearing wristband

Something new on the market. Does anybody have any real-world experience with https://neosensory.com/ ?

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Yes, tried it a year or so ago to enhance what I was getting from my hearing aids, something which they recommend. It did nothing to improve my hearing during the trial period, so I returned it.

It’s actually been on the market for a couple of years now.

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@billgem same here, I tried it during the trail period and returned it. It seemed to do nothing to improve my hearing.

So just how is something on my wrist going to help me hear? Just how is it going to replace my hearing aids?

I don’t see how it can. Here’s a video review here - first 7 min talk about how it would (in theory) help with HEARING issues for those with moderate to SEVERE hearing loss. Um, maybe I’d fall even further down the ladder from SEVERE, but I highly doubt that a buzzing, zinging or PING on my wrist would actually resolve my profound DEAFNESS, despite the good doc’s proclamation that he thinks it could be a real game-changer for folks with CI or cinderblocks (like me).

Maaaaaaaybe the device could help with tinnitus - which I have 24x7 in a single note tone, but ack! I’ve learned to live with that 30-odd years ago. With my aids in, I don’t even know my ears are ringin’ through the hours.

I guess I’m just jaded or very sceptical that a simple wristband that emits sensations is going to replace my powerful aids. I’d LOVE to try it out, and like Phonak’s famous “these are waterproof!” claim, completely shut it down. But I don’t have $1,000 bucks to do so, so I’ll just pass and work on getting my existing aids working optimally. :slightly_smiling_face:

My tinnitus is white noise or some call it pink noise. At times I will have a single tone for a few seconds. My tinnitus is there at all times, it is worse when i remove my aids are i am in a quiet place. My tinnitus started aftet a 32 hour flight in the cargo bay of a military jet without and hearing protection. That was just before Thanksgiving 1975. The only time it gets to me is if i have a headache or stressed.

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My tinnitus started 24x7 when I was 14. I took Coricidan cold med to clear up an ear infection. The result of that course of medication was my non-stop tinnitus.

My ears are now like a weather vane. The tinnitus actually changes tone depending on whether rain is coming (low pressue system) or SUMMER heat (high pressure). For low pressure systems, my LEFT ear will go: BONG! BONG! BONG-BONG-BONG-BONG! at a louder volume.

When the temp heats up, the RIGHT ear will start to moan and WOooOOooOoOoOO non-stop, usually accompanied by a feeling of nerves going DEAD. Luckily, these weather-driven episodes only last an hour or so, and then, VOILA! In a day or 2 max, the weather has changed! I should call my local forecasters to alert them before NOAA even knows! :wink:

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I guess I have always been lucky or just very healthy. I have never had an ear infection. The worst illnesses was the childhood things, chickenpox, meadles, mumps, and the occasional flu or bad cold i have never been hospitalized or even broken a bone. I will be 77 this Thanksgiving. I do have a mild issue with my blood pressure, I cannot decide if my tinnitus causes my blood pressure to go up or my blood pressure going up makes my tinnitus worse. Whichever it is the two are definitely tied together. Oh I forgot about being snake bit and having 12 days of my life i don’t remember, but even then I wasn’t hospitalized, the country doctor came to my parents house everyday to check on me. My dad said the doctor was afraid to move me the 2 hour drive to the hospital. The snake bite left a large hole in the calf of my left leg. Today it isn’t even noticeable. I was 12 years old when that happened.

This describes my tinnitus experience very well. I have no memory of when it started… a long time ago when I was a kid.

I had a number of ear infections around 2nd grade. I remember having to hold my head sideways as my mother put drops in them. I ended up having my tonsils removed by the 3rd grade.