First I want to thank everyone who have responded to my question about Costco.
I would appreciate your comments after viewing my hearing exam results…
So far I’ve not been given an answer to why with this much hearing loss I can understand much of what is being said to me by men and women.
I know that I am a good lip reader but it goes way beyond that in my opinion.
I certainly am a long way from normal hearing and that I have to work at understanding.
I can’t understand most people wearing masks but I can even understand my wife’s nurse who wears a mask at all times and is bending over my wife’s bed.
The problem is seldom volume.
I can understand people on the phone and what is being said on tv. Not everything for sure but at least some.
I wonder if the hearing exam results might be wrong but I have had exams at a number audiologist’s offices.
My thanks in advance for your input.
You definitely have a profound loss in both ears according to your results. But everyone’s loss is different. Some people wearing masks I can hear but most I can’t. With my aids I an hear birds singing but others can’t. I haven’t hear a cricket in 30 years. It different for everyone. Some people get different results from their aids than others. Speech comprehension also plays into it. That’s the great thing about hearing loss. No two losses are the same, unfortunately
Your profound loss is virtually the same as mine was before I had a CI. Then post CI my residual dropped a lot in my R ear. It’s frustrating to say the least. The need for continual concentration just to hear is totally exhausting at the end of the day.
For me, I became isolated because it was too exhausting to try communicating all the time. I knew then that I had to move on to the next step by getting a CI. It’s the best thing I ever did I might add.
With my hearing loss, as long as I am face to face I can lip read pretty well. I can no longer hear music, birds, etc. Need captions for the tv. I hear most sounds very well, but the speech discrimination is gone. It is frustrating at times, but for the most part, I do good. My friends make the effort to face me when speaking. Still able to socialize, have a good time. Hardest part for me, is anywhere you still have to wear masks.
In my opinion, something isn’t adding up. With a profound loss above 500hz I wouldn’t expect you to understand much at all on the TV, certainly not on the phone, and hearing a female voice with a mask would be almost impossible with that loss. I assume that when you’re referring to your hearing abilities, you mean without hearing aids… is that correct? If so, I’d check to make sure theybsent you the right audiogram. Did they give you any other scores? Speech scores (AB words), bone conduction thresholds? Something isn’t adding up here.
First, I am grateful for people on this forum that got to the trouble of responding to a stranger. Thank all of you.
Yes, I am suspicious that the audiogram isn’t right and I have contacted my audiologist suggesting this but have not received a reply yet.
The test was preformed by a fitter, not by the audiologist.
Unfortunately, if the test was in error, we’ve wasted a lot of time and money trying to adjust aids.
Even though the cost will be high, I probably will go to another audiologist to be tested.
It will be interesting to see what happens.
I agree with all the above comments. Without my aids I am essentially deaf. My audiogram isn’t as bad as that of fwlee. My KS10s are a godsend. I can hear birds sing and crickets chirp. My only difficulty hearing is when our family of eight or ten is together and everyone is talking at the same time.
I’m not sure I understand. You mention having problems “post” CI but then say it was the best thing you have done.
Could you please tell me how well you can hear after CI? As compared to what you perceive as “normal” hearing.
How long did it take from original implant to where you could actually hear?
My sister had CI close to a year ago but is experiencing very slow if any help.
Thank you.
Louie. I agree with everything you say. With a profound hearing loss and no hearing aids you’re all but deaf . Only the loudest of sounds manage to slip through
My post op problem- My surgeon saved most of my residual during my CI op. I could still hear normally from that ear. But 15 months later my residual dropped to the extent that now without my processor I struggle to hear speech out of my ear. No surgeon will guarantee saving your residual during surgery.
On activation I could hear speech, I could understand a lot of words from sentences. Within 48 hours I was understanding full sentences, it was amazing. My surgeon and CI AuD put this down to the fact I had good low frequencies still.
If you look at my speech perception scores it tells you what my hearing was pre and post operation.
Laura B - my loss in my bad ear is not as bad as yours. I am being evaluated for a cochlear implant for my bad ear. I wonder if that is something you have considered to help improve your social interactions. You have kind friends to work with you when you are visiting. I have several of those as well and I am so grateful for their kindness.