Hearing Aids wireless (audio) accessories comparison table

I help several government agencies in Taiwan to help people with hearing disabilities. To do so, I need to know almost all brands of ALDs and hearing aids accessories in Taiwan market.

I started to collect datasheets and related documents of these devices since year 2020. I managed to compile a comparison table and publish on my blog and keep updating it.

My blog and the comparison table is in Traditional Chinese for all my clients / partners are Taiwanese people. Today I take some time translating the comparison table into English: https://jedi.org/blog/archives/HAAccessories_Eng.xlsx
(This link always points to the newest version of the table.)

I’ll be glad if this table helps anyone here.


A whole lot of information here. Thanks for making it available to the forum.

I’d like to add some intro:

  • This table currently covers 116 ALD products in 18 brands: Phonak (Roger included), Unitron, Hansaton, Oticon, Bernafon, Sonic, Philips, Widex, Coselgi, Signia, A&M, Audio Service, Rexton, ReSound, Beltone, Interton, Starkey, Rionet (a Japanese brand). Although some products are no longer available in the market.
  • It mainly focus on compatibility: what devices could be paired with? is it possible to connect to multiple devices at the same time? is it possible to take audio signal from other technology via wired or wireless connection? is it possible to use with a telephone (landline and mobile)?
  • It also covers two listening situations: “Lanyard” mode for one-to-one conversation, and “Table” mode for small group conversation.
  • Last, it covers each product’s power supply mode: via power cord, rechargeable battery, or disposal battery.

There are some detailed spec such as frequency range, battery life, etc. that are NOT included in this table, to be noted.


Thanks for your work and sharing here.

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