I’d appreciate users thoughts on new HA (2018 forward) that actually work in background noise. Lets keep it simple and just say “restaurant noise”. I have six year old Widex Super 440’s and have never been happy with how they handle background noise. Now I like Widex HA for several reasons, but my AU claims my 2013 Super 440 just lower overall sound in noisy environments and don’t really dial in voice conversations. I was never satisfied with that explanation since you could simply lower volume input manually versus using background noise program. My hearing loss is severe to profound so asking a powerful HA to improve conversation in noisy setting is a challenge.
In any case it’s now 2019 and I’d like to know where Widex Evoke, Resound Quantro and Phonak Marvel rank as far as background noise suppression and voice recognization. It appears that the Resound Quantro and the Widex Evoke have more software options/settings to deal with background noise then Phonak Marvel. I find that some what odd since Phonak claims its HA do the best in noisy situations. Not sure if that is true in 2018 and forward.
I’ve never had the option of cell phone HA software changes (dealing with noise) but wonder if most HA users just want a HA to do automatic noise reduction changes on its own, or as I do just hit a “channel button” to deal with background noise. Versus walking into a restaurant and then pulling out your iPhone and making HA adjustments to compensate for loud noise. Any way would appreciate thoughts on above hearing aids and how they handle background noise.
P.S. - Tired of AU saying all HA (basically) don’t do well in noisy environments.