Hearing aid molds universal for all brands

I have severe hearing loss and meniers… recently I have put hearing aid molds on my oticon more and noticed a big improvement. I’m shopping for new hearing aids . Is there a universal ear mold that fits all brands? Or do I have to order a special ear mold for each separate company. I would like to try? 3 , the ones that have new chips, phonic, oticon, and starskey. They are expensive, my more ones were 250 dollars

Yeah you can interchange the same molds if your using BTE type HAs as the tubes fit most brands earhooks, and same for soft silicone molds can fit most brands receivers, post your audogram would be helpful.

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Mine do not fit the phonic hearing aids , my audi tried. So she was forced to give me the rubber tips, that do not work as well.

Yeah so Phonak do encased UP receiver (cShell) which obviously can’t be changed to another brand, but you can get soft silicone molds for P receiver and change them around, and yes the domes are not for everyone especially severe/profound losses, Any screenshots of your molds from Oticon ? this would help everyone give advice on what’s possible, but again BTE molds would be easier to fit to most other brands.

Your Oticons are RIC (receiver in canal) not BTE (behind the ear). The difference is the BTEs have the receivers (speaker) built into the physical hearing and and the ear hook tube carries the sound to your ear, through the ear mold. RICs have the receiver built into the ear mold, so the ear hook tube has electrical wiring carrying signals to the mold.

So a mold built for BTEs is interchangeable between brands. however RICs (such as your Oticon) have the receiver built into the custom ear mold and are only interchangeable within that brand.


“Chips,phonic,oticon and starskey” iis this a new TV cop series I’ve missed?
Sorry, couldn’t help that.
The picture looks like a mini tube? Or is it a wire for a receiver?
If its a tube you can probably change that to a hook and use standard tubes. I’ve managed different arrangements in the past, more like plumbing than precision engineering.
If you go with BTE then you may find better buys both new and used.

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Hold up they “clip” in don’t they? Lite tips or Mirco mold, but yeah you need the same size receiver to fit others, Grip tip in soft silicone would be a way to swap them out, but definitely if you just get soft silicone molds made you can change the brand and still use the same molds for RIC, Oticon seem to offer quite a choice as well.