Hearing aid manufacture team up

if there are HA’S with bluetooth 5.2/5.3, can le audio support google fast pair service and if it can’t hearing aid manerfacters should create a set with le audio/auracast and GFPS, to make it easier to pair with own devices, of course auracast would still function the same

and have location, so whenever your in the same location as device/s and if device is acivly being used/audio being played then connect to that device

Not quite sure what you’re saying or asking here. Are you looking for a hearing aid make/model that has BT 5.2/5.3 with LE audio support for Auracast? I think Oticon Intent does that.

I don’t know much about the benefits of Auracast myself, but from the LITTLE I’ve read about it, I’m already worried that ALL hearing aids will support that platform and soon we’ll be nagged, hounded, tracked, and have ads and all kinds of useless garbage PUSHED to our aids whether we like it or not.

Analogy is the cell phone that picks up nagging texts as you stroll the street: Starbucks has a 3-penny off cuppa cawfee, Pollo Loco invites you for a 2-for-1 entree special, Bank of America is offering FREE CHECKING! You see where this can lead? I’d shoot my ears off if it comes to that. :neutral_face:


Ah, no schizophrenia but still hearing voices in my head… no, not looking forward to that…

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