Hearing aid fitting for music

Not for music but also other accoustic environments

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Thanks for posting.

The little voice on my shoulder is saying, “isn’t sound, sound? why can’t hearing aids work with all kinds of sound?”
I’ve read many posts here with musicians stating the work they’ve done to enjoy playing again.


The word sound covers a multitude of frequencies and even if hearing aids could reproduce all of those frequencies the problem is that a person with hearing loss either doesn’t hear some of them at all or hears them at a different volume level to others. Hearing aids attempt to correct those imbalances. Speech is our primary means of communication and so priority is given to correcting deficiencies in a persons hearing of the frequencies that speech uses. Part of that correction sometimes involves moving sounds to different frequencies than the original to bring them within a persons damaged hearing range but if this is applied to music it produces discordant sounds and destroys the musical element. Speech can tolerate some manipulation of frequencies but music cannot so a different programme is required that avoids this type of correction and also pays more attention to frequencies above and below those contained in speech.