Hearing aid dome fell off RIC receiver and stuck in ear canal

Yesterday, my audiologist said she replaced the wire for my RIC hearing aid. When I went home, I felt my dome like a rock hard in my ear, I took my hearing aid out to check the dome. It seemed very tight on the microphone when I tried to take the dome off.

I said ok let’s put it back in my ear… then before bed, I took off my hearing aid, I noticed the dome was missing! I realized it’s stuck in my ear.
Did my audiologist do something wrong? Should she have done recheck if the dome is too tight on the microphone. What goes wrong here? This never happened to me before.
Please help me understand what’s going on before I go back to my audiologist about this dome being stuck in my ear.


Sure sounds like you got the dome almost off the microphone (receiver).

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The dome shouldn’t be too tight around microphone, right? What goes wrong here?

The dome should fit very snugly on the receiver. (It’s actually more of a speaker than a microphone, but it’s what you show in your picture) It sounds like you didn’t get it on snugly and that’s why it came off in your ear. I don’t think the audiologist did anything wrong. You need to make sure you get the dome on snugly.


Thank you so much for helping me to understand what should be done right.

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I’m embarrassed to admit this has happened to me twice. I had to visit urgent care to get them dug out. Now I really tug on them to make sure they’re really on well before putting them in my ears.

Are your domes provided by your fitter or are you buy them someplace else? The reason I ask is there are many types of domes. You have to get the correct domes for your receivers.
Investing is a good set of curved tweezers might help too if you have good help at home.

Problem solved. I had two domes taken out from one ear by audiologist. I assume the first dome must be defected.

This happened to me once. I thought I had dropped my dome on the carpeting so I got down on my hands and knees and swept the whole area with my hands and I couldn’t find it. So I thought well it’s lost so I went to the box and got a new Dome and put that on. Tried to put it in my ear, it wouldn’t fit. The old dome was still in there and I was able to extract it with my finger nail. I’m thankful I got it out without having to get help from someone. Next time I lose one I had better first check that it is still not in my ear.

The domes did come from my audiologist. User error.

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