Hearing aid discomfort

Has anyone had issues with wearing hearing aids and while wearing them you feel that you have the start of an ear ache, and it affects your thoat and sinus.

Any suggestion on hearing aid adjustments

I use Miracel, @Trailblazer, you get it from Amazon, a wee bit expensive, but it lasts a long, long time, any sores or itching this will get rid of, just rub a little onto your molds, for a couple of days. I don’t know if that link below will open or not? Cheers Kev :wink:

Edit; Link appears to be working fine :smile:



They should be comfortable and you really shouldn’t feel them at all. I have to touch mine to make sure they are there. Possibly allergic to the type of earpiece you have? Sounds like you need to go back to your pro.


Back when they used to dye the molds pink (why?!? It looked terrible :joy:) I had to specifically get them without dye because I was allergic. I’ve heard of all sorts of allergies with their molds or domes due to various sensitivities so definitely talk to your provider and try other options.