Have you ever rented hearing aids?

This question’s come to my mind visiting a couple of websites with rental proposals so I wander if it’s a rare or common practice. I’d not dislike to rent HAs for 1 or 3 or 5 years with no obligation to purchase them but I’d like to listen to your experiences if any.
I propose this question both to users and audiologists.

Check out this recent post and see what you think.

I admit, paying a monthly “subscription” for a hearing solution sounds tempting! And I’m guessing none of the providers would like the term “rental” attached to their brand, LOL. But hey, call it what you will.

To me, it would be appealing to have a pair of relatively low cost, working hearing aids. On top of which, there may be local distributors or service staff if anything went wrong with them. I’d be more likely to go this route if my hearing wasn’t CINDERBLOCK as it it.

Given my dire need for REALLY REALLY good and VERY VERY reliable hearing aids (ideally worn 24x7, but I do take them out at night and sleep like a tombstone), I have always gone the route of dedicated audiologist - yes, even from 35 yrs ago when my hearing was in the 45-50dB range.

I take the time and energy to develop and grow a sound (pardon the pun) relationship with the audi I go to. They become like a partner for life. They know my issues and goals. They know that I have very nuanced hearing that will never be satisfied with the typical tests done and setup performed. I go back in 3-4 times to get the aids to make my world sound the way I want it to.

My guess is that kind of maintenance would not be economically sustainable with a subscription program. I kind of doubt the seller would arrange for an in-person meeting with a Phonak rep to go over the aids and accessories like my current audi has done. I am incredibly lucky to have a dedicated, persistent and knowledgeable audi who really stays in touch, listens to me, and goes the extra mile to ensure I’m happy with my aids. What more could I ask for?

Only downside is that every 4 yrs or so, I plunk down a wheelbarrow of bank notes to buy these. But the brands mentioned in the article linked to here are well-known, respected, and I have even looked into getting the Lyrics years ago. Ack, they didn’t make BTEs for my cinderblock ears back then at least. Not sure if they do now, but I’m a happy Phonak camper.

I hope someone with actual subscription service experience chimes in!!! It is an intriguing option.

You vill ovn nuffin and you vill be happy

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I rent my hearing aids, Lumity L70, in New Zealand from a Phonak subsidiary. All maintenance inc moulds is covered and I get a new pair of current equivalent aids every 3 years. Phonak, through the subsidiary, also offers an incentive system for purchasing new aids an a 3 or 6 year cycle. This is subject to conditions.

Top line aids retail here for NZ$7000 -$10,000 approx. There is a Govt subsidy of NZ$1000 available each 6 years. I am very nearly 80 yo and have no medical insurance or other subsidies.

Renting costs me more than replacing each 6 years but less than the 3 year option over a 10 year period and I get new aids twice as often as i would be prepared to buy. Also, if there is a huge breakthrough (I am holding my breath) from a different source I can stop payments immediately.

This was a fully considered decision after spreadsheeting a number of alternative scenarios. The monthly payment is roughly a mid level dinner for two with a bottle of wine each month. I was prepared to pay for a new pair of aids each 6 years but not each 3 years. The down side is that if I stop paying I have nothing, but, if that happens I can just be a grumpy old b**** who ignores people.



@Euang I though Kiwis have the same healthcare system as the UK NHS, or is it not?

No, our health care diverged from theirs many years ago. There are a lot of similarities but ours has a Government/private system running in parallel, with many people (often a job perk) on voluntary medical insurance systems. There is also national accident insurance which covers everybody for any form of accidental injury or work related disabilities. My deafness is traced to percussion from rifle shooting dating from before the Accident Compensation Commission was formed and they will not cover me. Stopping payments for the aids is not a problem, I was highlighting the downside.

We gave up our medical insurance at the age of about 67 because the premiums were extremely high. Most of our friends in the same age group have done the same.

There is a subsistence level national superannuation benefit paid to all at 65 yrs

We pay for GP appointments but they are subsidised by the Govt to keep prices reasonable. Children, retirees and those on state benefits have a greater level of payment.

The public system excellent but badly understaffed and just cannot cope. As with many places, we have a shortage of GPs, specialists and nurses. All accident and emergency work is free and handled by the public system.

The private hospitals are also excellent and work in tandem with the Public system taking much of the routine surgery from the public stream and if there is a problem of any sort, patients are transferred to the public hospital and the state then picks up the tab.

Sorry to have rambled on.


No worries.
I thought that Kiwis/Ozzy/UK are all part of the commondewealth! I am not surprised that NZ/AU have a more capitalist system.

But leasing/renting hearing aids is an absolute disaster even if there are few positives.

Let’s face to a possible exception: a very old person who need new HAs. I think renting could be interesting to evaluate instead of buying in these cases, especially because here (EU) it’s very difficult to sell used HAs so even if you buy new ones for a very old relative of yours and he/she dies in a year (I dislike to say but it’s possible), then you’ve got valueless/unsellable stuff in your hands.
Well, this case deals with me and my old relative so I’m thinking about renting but it depends on the contract, I mean conditions, what HAs and especially on how much money audiologist wants so not to be too venal but…

how much do you pay monthly for your rental?

@audio_hunter Not sure if you’ve heard of Ebay, but you could recover a bit of the expenses, also, you will be helping people who can’t afford a brand new HA get a decent HA.
I’ve bought a lots of items related to HA (phonak accessories) and Phonak Naida HA from ebay here in the UK, and if you look at ebay/facebook market on the mailand Europe, there are HA on sale.
Here in the UK, there are options to buy HA and split the cost on several months.

Hi Euang,
what’s the name of the NZ firm that rents a hearing aid to you?
I am interested as I live in NZ.

Hi Paul
The company is Triton hearing which is owned by Phonak. They have range of levels at different rental prices. The L70s are NZ$119 per month.
The Starkey AI had just been announced when I made my decision and I was keeping my options open in case the reviews on the Starkey were brilliant (which they are not).

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But leasing/renting hearing aids is an absolute disaster even if there are few positives.

My informed choice.

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Thanks Euang,
I assume the rental payments for the hearing aids covers any problems with the internal electronics and breakages to the external shell, external wires and tubes.
Do you get an annual hearing test and hearing aid adjustment as part of the rental payments?

The info says all costs included. So far I am on my third set of moulds because of minor fitting problems and have had a complete retune of the aids. No suggestion of any charges.

I can get adjustments at any google (usual prefixes) tritonhearing.co.nz/promotions/pay-as-you-hear/


I have just seen an advert for a company called Resonate offering hearing aids at NZ$90 per month. They were not in Christchurch (my home) when I chose new aids but website may be worth checking. The CEO was previously GM of either Triton or Phonak in NZ. I can’t remember which.

Thanks Euang. I went and looked at the Resonate website to find out more. They are renting only one model but it is the top of the range Resound Omnia.
This model of hearing aid rental may be growing as it’s easier to afford hearing aids by regular modest payments rather than a large lump sum up front for a top-level hearing aid.