Has anyone gotten Nexia 7's connected to a Windows PC with Bluetooth

My Windows 11 PC can initially see my ReSound Nexia 7’s to pair, then drops them. This is even when Bluetooth connectivity is turned off on my iPhone. Has anyone succeeded in getting this configuration to work? How about Bluetooth 5.3 (which the Nexia 7’s support)?

I don’t think Windows does ASHA. Isn’t it a Google product?

Can your PC connect to LE audio? I don’t think many PCs can as of now. As least that was what I found out when looking for a new laptop.

These issues are why many folks have stuck with Phonak hearing aids use of Bluetooth classic.

I use an app called Audio Relay. It connects via USB to the phone and PC. It is free to try out and cheap to buy a license. It was a bit confusing to set up initially but it works great. Almost not additional delay over the default phone to hearing aid Bluetooth delay. So basically not noticable. I use it for zoom and streaming music and Netflix.

It works on iPhone Android Windows Macs and Unix.

Ohh I have also used my ReSound TV Streamer+ but it costs more, works out of the box and I save it for the TV. It also has minimal delay.

Sounds interesting, have you got a link for it.

me thinks this is it: https://audiorelay.net/

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Let’s not get confused and avoid the question please. This is about actually using Nexia 7’s, which have Bluetooth 5.3 Low Energy and using Windows 11 which supports BT 5.3 LE (at least with 24H2) and hardware which supports BT 5.3. Is 24H2 necessary? Why is my Windows 11 with proper BT hardware dropping after pairing?
Discussions of Phonak and alternative hardware and Android phones can be had in other threads please.
For more about the BT LE Audio in the Nexia 7’s see This Week in Hearing " Inside ReSound’s Nexia Hearing Aid Technology: A Closer Look with Laurel Christensen, PhD" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGv1kUz8JDo&t=28s

Ok so let’s talk about Bluetooth profiles and what are you trying to accomplish with your set up, you want to stream music or podcasts to your HAs, anything else, like you want hands free with zoom etc.

You do understand that Bluetooth Low Energy and Bluetooth Low Energy Audio are two completely different things? All recent Resound aids, for ten years or more, have had Bluetooth Low Energy but only Nexias have Bluetooth Low Energy Audio.

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You should be able to connect a Resound Multi-Mike+ to your PC too. But it’s only a transmitter. So it’s probably not what you are looking for.

ReSound Multi Mic - hearing aid microphone | ReSound | ReSound US

Anyhow, Microsoft has stated what your computer needs to do LE Audio.

Like I said before when shopping of a new computer, HP only had one laptop that would do LE Audio with Auracast, and I believe Copilot showed only one model of Dell laptops that supported LE Audio. Samsung chat was clueless.

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Do you know which model of HP it was? I have all HP PC computers in my home.

I didn’t write it down since it was out of my budget. The price was over a thousand dollars.