Has anyone else noticed a difference?

I’m bimodal and I have my resound HA away being repaired. I’m currently using my old Enzo2 which doesn’t stream without a phone clip. My HA ear is pretty much useless without it being streamed directly into my ear.

What I have noticed is my CI ear comprehension has noticeably gone down. I haven’t done any rehab since the end of my first year. I now live alone, and communication with other people isn’t on a daily basis any more. I see family and friends 3-4 times a week. With my 3D I didn’t notice anything as being different. But I sure do notice the difference when my devices aren’t streaming.

Has anyone else noticed a difference?
It seems as if I need to go back to basics and do some rehab. Thankfully I enjoy reading so I will go back to listening to audiobooks again.

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Just my opinion.
The volume is set too low on your CI. You have allowed the hearing aid to be primary.

I see this often with bimodal. It’s so easy to allow this to happen.

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My CI volume is on 9.

In Australia it’s extremely hard to get both CI and HA balanced equally. Because we are forced by our Fed Gov to have 2 audiologists. The government HA audiologist, and the private Cochlear. Neither of these two companies share the same computer system or programs. Therefore getting the two devices equally balanced is sheer guess work.


Do you have Master Volume on your Nucleus Smart app? It can easily adjust your processor volume to a much higher degree than the primary volume control. If you don’t, ask your CI audiologist for it. It would be under the More on the volume tab. There I have Sensitivity, Bass, Treble and Master Volume.

I can only imagine having different hearing providers. It sure would make it more difficult.

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Did you ask your HA audi if they have a loner HA? My pre-CI audi always offered one when I had to send my HA away to be fixed. Or even the phone clip so you can stream.

If you really think your CI hearing is down, you might need to see your CI audi to get it adjusted.

I agree with Raudrive - have to use different Audi’s is crazy!

@db4art I have a Resound Enzo2 which I’m wearing. It’s a very old platform and won’t stream without a phone clip paired to it and my phone.


To Deaf Piper
I think you have had the Enzo for a number of years . Why dont you go back to Hearing Australia and get an upgrade .
I am now bimodal and have the N7 and the Model XD777 , BTE with ear mould hearing aid that is actually made by GN Resound for Hearing Australia clients and is the equivalent of the Resound Omnia.
It uses the BeMore app on my iphone .
The good news for you would be that it cost zero through HAust . Quite honestly i was sceptical about this but having used the HA since Sept last year I am very pleased with its performance.
Check it out if you dont allready know about its vailabilty.

My master volume is locked at a certain point. Yes, I can increase it only so far, because of it being locked.

@Blanch991 Im on my 3rd free aid from HAust. My first was Enzo2, next Enzo 3D. The one I picked up today, who knows it doesn’t say. I was given it in a little white cardboard box. But I do know I was given a R side HA for my Left ear… But I don’t suppose that matters much seeing it’s been programmed for my L ear.

Does the wire to the receiver bend to the correct ear? That would be my main concern as far as comfort goes. I wish you the best with the new hearing aid.

@RSW I don’t have a wire. I have a tube and mould.

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Maybe be my Master Volume has more range. It will literally turn the volume to nothing and much too high if I go to high.

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Ric mines locked on 176 it won’t go any higher.

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The only thing I can think of is your audiologist has set limits on your Master Volume Limit.
Maybe on your next visit you could ask for more adjustment on that if you need it.
When is your next visit?

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