Handoff to Oticon Intent in IPadOS 18 Public Beta 3 and IOS 18.1 Dev Beta 2

Maybe a bit early to tell but it looks like using IPad OS 18.0 Public Beta 3 and IOS 18.1 Developer Beta 2 the handoff from device to device is working much better while having both devices connected to my Oticon Intent 1s simultaneously…. Anyone else experience the same improvement?

Any hints that the new iOS will support LE Audio? Hoping for another gift under the tree for Christmas.


Nothing that I can see….

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I think it is too late to see in the version about to be released. Maybe next year.


Have you found any other things that are good or bad regarding connecting hearing aids?

I wear the Oticon Xceed.

Nothing new in terms of connectivity… My experience is that the performance of the Intent 1’s is pretty good on IOS 18.1 beta 3 and IPadOS 18.

The thing that is definitely new is that i can now stream to both iPad and iPhone (one at a time of course) without having to fiddle with turning off bluetooth on the alternate device. Not quite perfect as i had one situation where i had to turn off the bluetooth on the iPad but that related to connecting the HAs to the Oticon Companion app on the iPhone.

So… not perfect but definitely different and maybe even an improvement… I wonder if this is has to do with Apple releasing the new Apple HA functionality on the AirPods Pro 2.

Anyone else find the same or different?

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