Guidance on Replacing my 8 year old KS6s

I am very impressed with the knowledge and expertise on this forum. I posted several days ago complaining about Costco HA service. Thanks to all who responded to my post.

Based upon several recommendations from this group, I want to purchase new HAs. I currently have a pair of KS6 (Resound) that are 8 years old. My HAs work pretty well except in small group settings and noisy backgrounds. Fortunately, I am not in noisy backgrounds often. However, I am in small group settings often. In fact, I lead one small group at our church, so hearing in these settings is really important. I had 2 hearing tests last year, and I am at 80 db. Also, I have tinnitus which has been checked by an ENT. If I avoid loud noises, it is a manageable problem.

My KS6s are connected to my iphone via Bluetooth which is a requirement for new HAs. Rechargeable batteries would be nice, but not essential.

I have been reading about HAs but it is hard to separate the hype and ad hoc experiences from the reality. Oticon and Widex sounded interesting but they apparently have some issues with their latest releases.

I am trying to decide whether to go back to Costco and get one of the 3 brands they are currently selling or to go to another provider who sells all major brands and get the most appropriate brand/model for me.

Costco provides good HAs at great prices with a good warranty and service. However, are there much better HAs out there for my need that would justify a $4k+ increase in price? I do not mind paying the premium for a device that meets my need, but I do not want to pay a lot more for something that is only a slight improvement.

I used the Hearing Tracker locater for my area. The ENT I originally used in 2008 has 8 offices and they are all on the tracker along with a few small practices I know nothing about. I use the ENT for optical and other ENT services, and they are highly regarded. I would likely be paying full retail, i.e. $5 to $6k, for HAs which may be worth it if they meet my needs. I am leery of going to an unknown provider without recommendations but not sure how to get that information.

One idea is to get new HAs from Costco, and if they do not resolve my issues, to return them within the 180 day return period, and look for an alternative provider.

What are your thoughts and suggestions?

You could try the Jabra aids which are Resound Omnia aids. Since you are accustomed to Resound aids that would likely be your best option.

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I really like my 6 week old Jabras. I also like the TV streamer (I don’t need CC any more) and the Multi-Mic, which helps a lot in groups. I doubt the ReSound Omnias are better.

The thing is, though: there are lots of adjustments, and you need someone who can turn what you say about what you hear into the right settings. I’ve got that at the Costco I use. Also, we went off on the wrong track, so I know what the Jabras sound when they’re …um… maladjusted? Too many people say it’s the fitting, not the HA to ignore.

So I’d advise casting a wide net. If I weren’t happy with my Jabras, I’d want to try out Widex, Phonak, and Oticon. If the Philips 9040s are available before my 6 months are up, I’ll probably check them out, too.

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Thanks. If I go the Costco route, I plan to use the audiologist in our local office.

I would go with Costco for the very good trial period and if I was not satisfied then I would go elsewhere. $5-$6K is not something to be sneezed at.


Thanks for the advice. Costco seems to be my best bet.

In my research, I discovered ZipHearing, a discount HA dispenser. Their top of the line HAs still cost more than $4k, but probably substantially less than retailers.

Do any of you have opinions or experience with ZipHearing?

If you are unhappy with a Costco location, you can easily use a different one.

Thanks. There are 3 Costcos in metro area but one is only 10 minutes away. I plan to schedule appointment with their audiologist who tested and fitted me 8 years ago. Lesson learned from the bulb misfitting a year ago is to use the audiologist whenever possible. She knew I needed larger bulb in right ear when she fitted me 8 years ago but other techs did not bother to check and assumed the wrong bulb.

My first HA in 2010 from an ENT was a Resound and the KS6 I purchased from Costco in 2015 was Resound, so my guess is she will recommend the Jabra.

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Get customs molds. IMHO you need to get over the the wrong bulb size. stuff happens. Should you have known what size to ask for?

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I am over the bulb issue. Apparently you are not though.

Everything I read on this site and others says to be fitted by an audiologist, and that is what I intend to do.

I talked with Ziphearing and their closest provider is 38 miles away. Since they claim to have 600 providers, it is disappointing there is not one closer in a nearly 3M population metro area.

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