GN Resound Reliability

I have been using GN Resound Linx 3d aids for some time now but I seem to have an endless stream of problems with them. Anyone else experience reliability issues with these?

Resound Linx2 user here. I just replaced them with Jabra Enhance Pro 20s. Over the six years I used them, I had to send them out for repair one time. I simply ā€œoutgrewā€ the Linx2s due to my hearing worsening and the adjustments necessary resulted in feedback. My AuD indicated that the model was unable to handle the boosted freqs I required.
Itā€™s hard to generalize reliability. My AuD indicated that Starkey was problematic for their clinic and she did not recommend them.

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I use Enzo 3D and had GN Resound aid for 5 years now. I agree the list of problems is long.
Switching off randomly 10-15 times a day. I manually restart them.
Weird chimes anytime they like.
Not streaming continuously only when it wants to. Just to list a few.

I have an appointment with my AuD on Thursday to send them back for repair for the 4th time.

Sadly I have to have a GN Resound aid, as no other company will pair with my CI.


I am just about to start the process of returning my right aid for repair. The right one was repaired last month. I seldom get any more than six months without having to return on or the other. Terribly unreliable. fortunately I am still in Warranty but it is an inconvenience to me as my aud is 20 miles away.

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I have not heard of people having similar problems with the resale Nexia. There have been a few problems certainly but so have many other hearing aids. I think youā€™ll be more than satisfied after what youā€™ve gone through.


I bought the Jabra pro 20 (Resound Nexia) about 5 1/2 months ago. Two months ago the left ha quit and was replaced (after over a week). Then a couple of weeks ago, right ha started to have lots of static. Perhaps it was a mistake but decided to return them, rely on my ks9s and look for another option.

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My audiologist is now telling me that the problem is most likely to be caused by moisture/sweat. I am 75 years of age. I would have thought that any hearing aid should be designed to be capable of dealing with any moisture I generate. I donā€™t go swimming wearing them and I wear a hat or a hood in the rain.

Not a panacea, but have you tried ā€˜EarGearā€™ hearing aid sleeves? Basically a Lycra tube that fits over your HAs and reduces exposure to dust, dirt and moisture with minimal impact on sound.

The first hearing aids I had an an adult from the NHS - Starkey Radius - routinely died on a 6-9 month cycle due to sweat (I was/am an active person). When I eventually either worked through their stock or got a planned upgrade to some Phonaks I havenā€™t had this issue. I did start using Ear Gear though and still do.

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Tx. Iā€™ll have a look but I try to avoid excessive handling as the wire leading to my custom moulds sometimes break. They charge Ā£140 to repair these.

Moisture it could beā€¦ I put my Enzo 3D in my Breeze dry box every night, turn it on and 8 hours later it turns off. Having a CI the dry box gets quite warm over a long period of time. I would have though if moisture did accumulate in my HA spending 8 hours in a dry box would/should dry the aid out. Itā€™s winter downunder now and moisture shouldnā€™t be in them from perspiration or humidity. :woman_shrugging:

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