GN Resound Omnia Bluetooth issues

There is a new firmware that came from microphone repair recently.
the version is Which is a lot newer than a year ago with launch firmware. What phone do you guys have? It makes a different if you are running an android or iphone.

Yes that’s the firmware I have. I’m using an iPhone 12 Pro on the current version of IOS (16.6) but @jim_lewis who is also looking into this is using an iPhone 14Pro I believe.

It seem like all the problem are from iPhone users and I have no problem with my Android phone…

Yes I think it’s incompatibility between Resound’s and Apple’s Bluetooth implementation.

But it was fine with the iPhone and the Resound One. It’s just the Omnia that is the issue. I suspect it’s a hardware problem that Resound can’t easily fix and can’t correct with firmware.

No, actually the omnia and one have the same radio hardware. II think it is apple… there seem to be a perception that Apple is perfect…

They use nRF52840

Yes but what I am saying is that the Resound One doesn’t have this problem whereas the Resound Omnia does. Same iPhone in both cases.

@david.hendon. I’m only on, according to the Smart 3D app. I checked both via the app and Smart Fit within the past couple of weeks. I’ll check again with Smart Fit as in the past I’ve gotten a firmware update or two that way as opposed to the smartphone app.

Edit_Update: No Omnia firmware update for me is available through Smart Fit as of today. Smart Fit also says my firmware for the Omnia 962s is (sorry for the typo previously in 1st para of this post). The Smart Fit version is and said to be the latest. Perhaps the difference between and is a firmware update issued only for a specific model Omnia and my 962s are not eligible for some reason?

Yeah, i think they are revision specific update or just minor bug fixes…

it could be differences in firmware revision to support bluetooth 5.2 in one vs 5,3 in omnia. Anyways blame resound for breaking MFI in omnia HA.

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Not seeing issue with iPhone SE 3rd gen ( based on iPhone 13 ) running developer beta of iOS 17. My configuration is a bimodal and it changes how the hearing aid operate because it is tied to the Nucleus 8 sound processor.

A buddy of mine has the N7 and the Omnia. This was when the Omnia first came out.
Initially it would not stay linked with the N7 and Cochlear Nucleus Smart App. It took a Recount update to get things right. He hasn’t had any problems since. He uses a new iPhone, not sure which model but he stays up to date on his phone.

Interesting, I have no idea why it would work better with 2 different devices… I suspect the Omnias with ear 2 ear communication is the problem because N7/N8 and omniaa do not communicate with each other

I discovered something also, bimodal user who link the sound processor with hearing aid cannot use the microphone in the hearing aid for hand free feature in calls.

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iOS 17.0.1 may have fixed or at least greatly improved automatic re-establishment of connectivity between my iPhone 14 Pro Max and my Omnia HA’s. I’ve been away from my iPhone for extended periods of time since that update a few days ago and almost all of the times I’ve come back to my iPhone, my Omnias are still connected. The iOS 17.0.1 update is highly recommended by Apple to fix security issues but the blurb describing the update says it contains bug fixes as well. Here’s hoping the iPhone separation problem is one of the things fixed. How are things working for you over in the U.K. @david.hendon?

Hello Jim. I haven’t jumped to IOS 17 yet. I like to give it a couple of weeks to let things settle down before I do these big updates. But I will report here when I do. Interested to hear that it seems better for you.

Well, I lost a connection to one HA last night, but overall, I’d still say, on average, I’m losing connectivity less with iOS 17.0.1 than with iOS 17 as initially released or iOS 16.x.

Ok I have updated my iPhone 12 Pro to IOS 17.0.2.

I will report back on how it plays with my Omnias.

I am poised to buy an iPhone 15 Pro, but the specification is a bit vague about BT LE Audio. I note the new Resound Nexia is explicit about supporting LE Audio. I may hold off on the iPhone 15…

I lost connectivity again. The left ear Omnia has always been the HA that loses connectivity. Never the right so far.

Hi Jim

An interim report from me. I am impressed how much this is better with IOS 17.0.2 than it was with IOS 16.7. It seems like it’s back how it was with the Ones.

Anyway it needs me to try a few more things, like go properly out of range for ten minutes and see whether the phone and the app re-acquire the Omnias when I come back. I will report more in due course.

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