Genie2 2024 does not connect to Noahlink Wireless

When I try to communicate my Oticon Opn S1 hearing aids with Noahlink Wireless to the Genie2 2024 program, it gives “communication error” in the message it only appears that communication with Hi-Pro is not possible. What am I doing wrong?

No idea, but it’s very easy to make connection, open and close the battery door to start the pairing mode so the Noahlink wireless can find the HAs, also you must not have the HAs connected to any other Bluetooth device, try again now.


I disconnected the headphones from the smartphone, win11 informs me that the NoahLink Wireless is connected, I open and close the battery covers and I can’t get them to communicate. I will keep trying. Thanks

Any chance you could post some screenshots, I’m not a Oticon user myself, others may see something that’s not quite right.
I wonder if those older models need an older version of genie?

Have you turned off all other Bluetooth instruments i.e. your phone, your iPad etc. Try turning off Bluetooth completely rather than just disconnecting you HAs.