I am looking for help/insight to help my Audi identify the adjustment that could be made to eliminate a constant (at least once a minute) “feedback chirp”. While in quiet, I get a “random” chirp. It is very brief, like the aid is going into a feedback, however the aid stops it/corrects the feedback quickly (which I am sure the software is doing what it is supposed to do). It happens in both ears and is very annoying. I did not have this issue with the Livio Edge AI. I have noticed one trigger I can identify, if I am in my office (quiet setting) and I click my computer mouse this will trigger the chirp. Many times there is not an audible sound (at least to me) I can identify causing it. So, I have to assume it is a frequency sound the aid picks up, and it is below my hearing threshold causing the feedback correction to cancel. If I am active, in noise, I do not notice the chirp (although it may still be happening). I also noticed putting in and removing my aids, I get a lot of feedback squeal - something I did not have with the Livio Edge AI, or the Halos.
I wear the RIC 24 Genesis AI, and I have fitted silicone ear molds, the feedback software has been ran a couple of times - once during the initial fitting and during a follow up visit. I do not believe my fit is near the maximum range of the power curve for the receiver (just observing the graph on the Starkey fitting screen). My Audi did state he has heard those with “non-sloping” hearing loss have been less impressed with Genesis AI fitting (I love the battery life, waterproof, and reliability of the app). My loss is pretty flat, roughly same loss across all frequencies (65-75db), cookie bite-ish.
Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!