Fun Earmold color suggestions

For many years I wore RED hearing aids–because I liked the color and even welcomed a discussion about hearing loss and the benefits of not hiding it. In 10+ years, No One ever commented on them!!! Perhaps they were afraid to? To those people who are afraid folks will ‘notice’ their aids and detect their hearing loss, I say “people aren’t really paying attention–don’t fear hearing aids on that score”!

Exactly! Plus I feel like having people notice can help them understand they may need to change how they communicate so I can better understand them.

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The only comment I had was, why are you wearing blue tac in your ears. I had blue ear moulds at the time.

Despite having large hearing aids and currently pink ear moulds, no one notices them. No one realises I’m deaf.


I love the pink! I’m trying to decide between a pink and turquoise swirl or pink and purple swirl

There’s a lot of truth to the fact that people aren’t very observant. But if your loss is severe enough, whether they notice your aids or not, they certainly notice your loss. Also a lot of people probably do see your aids and for whatever reason decide not to to mention them. For me, better they see them.


I have a mild loss currently but that in combination with APD and tinnitus I can definitely struggle so giving my aids something that makes happy to wear them especially being a young adult truly gives me confidence. Plus its helped build my pride in my identity as someone who is being more immersed into Deaf culture.

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I’m curious what being immersed in the deaf culture means.

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