From RIC to BTE

I have KS10 RIC with 2M receivers. If I were to set up a pair of V90 SP.what do I need? Tube size? Are the domes and wax traps interchangeable between receivers and tubes? Are the ear hooks a standard size, or is that also an issue? I am assuming open fit is an option with tubes, also.

I want to get a spare pair to leave at the farm and the SP pair is available at the moment. Programming is not a problem thanks to this group :slight_smile:

No, not between paradise to venture platform, receivers or slim tubes.
The wax filters are very easy to get on eBay for those V90 BTE, they do use the same filter both slim tubes and receivers.

You can just use the same size 2 slim tubes as the receiver you use now.
The slim tubes just screw-into where the earhook is now, so just unscrew the earhook and screw in the slim tube(clock wise to tighten)

You’ll need iCube ll for programming the V90s which is just easier to do your programming wirelessly.

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Is these are the Naida V90 SP then slim tubes / domes won’t fit. Only ear hooks and ear moulds.

BTE Aids don’t have receivers in the ear and don’t use wax guards.

Thank you. If I can’t use them open fit I’ll pass on them, I don’t want to pay to get ear molds that fit just an older model spare pair.


Could do this but not sure how well it would work?

Oh I didn’t know that, so the earhook on a Naida doesn’t unscrew?
Yes only the slim tubes and receivers use the wax filters which are interchangeable.


It does unscrew.

Oh hang on, the software won’t allow for programming of the slim tubes but potentially the new Slim Tubes SD4 could work as they fit the Phonak Sky Marvel M, which also use HE11 ear hooks like the Naida Venture. I can’t be sure it would actually work tho.

The software doesn’t allow programming for a slim tube tho on the Naida Venture so not sure how it would sound?

Just had a thought, a power slim tube might work but I’m pretty sure they only work with ear moulds?


Ok,so that’s not good if Phonak doesn’t allow for programming with the slim tubes (make sense I guess, after all they are for profound hearing loss) I’ve done a few Bolero models with slim tubes.

I guess one way to try to set them up, would be to fit the acoustics with the biggest vent available in target, again I’m with you on how this would actually sound?


Yes Bolero allow it like the Sky M(edium) power Aids. I reckon it’s because they are less powerful then the Naidas.

Think basically all Naida models don’t allow it because as you say, they are powerful Aids. They do have the power slim tube option but they work with ear moulds rather then domes.

Thank you both. I’ll just keep my eyes open. These were just real inexpensive but it looks like it’s not worth doing. I have an iCube 2 I can use, I’ll just keep eyes open.


Have you looked on eBay?

Especially as you self programme.
