Free Hearing Aids from Forbes

As many of you know, I do a little work for Forbes from time to time reviewing their hearing aid content. Forbes has been getting deeper and deeper into the topic and is now looking to work directly with people with hearing loss to publish first hand user accounts in their Forbes Health section. I am not being paid to promote this, but Forbes has agreed to mention HearingTracker whenever one of you reviews your hearing aids, which seems like a fair enough deal to me. And for you, the deal is even better… you get free hearing aids in exchange for sharing your experiences (if selected). Anyway, here’s the form to fill in, hosted by Forbes, if you’re interested!


Thanks, this looks like an excellent opportunity!! I wish that instead of having to select one type of hearing loss, I could select more than one. I have mild in one ear and mild to severe/profound in the other. And in both, I also have some normal hearing. So, I’m not sure how to fill out the form. I guess it all balances out to mild.


I’m just guessing here that if they have OTC opportunities they will (rightfully) rule out anyone that selects severe to profound.


Just a minor whinge here. Every time something like this comes up (here, LinkedIn, Facebook…), I’m the one who pipes up and asks “Which countries?”. It seems that all the American posters think that everyone in their audience is from the USA. And don’t get me started on people on Facebook who ask about good insurance plans (“which country?”), recommendations for a good audiologist in Whoville (“which country?”)…

So, which countries?


I just asked, but let’s assume USA only for now (sorry).


Confirmed. USA only, sorry to our international folks!


This sounds like a really good thing…I am going to pass…There are many who struggle to pay for hearing aids. Mine are given by the VA. Gonna give some one else a chance to take advantage of this…

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Are you sure that link is for Forbes? The fact they ask for email three times put me off and i backed out.

Yes, I’m sure. The URL was sent to me by a contact at Forbes. I will let them know about the duplicate email field on their form. I suppose even Forbes makes mistakes. (the third one I guess comes through the Google Form itself and is not part of the form)