FOR SALE: Cochlear Nucleus Freedom batteries, cables and accessories

Hi all,

I recently upgraded to a new CI model so I don’t need several backup batteries, cables and accessories most of which I did not use at all or hardly ever used.

Please feel free to reach out if you are interested in any of these items.

Thanks in advance!

I was wondering if you had a coil for the cochlear freedom?
Thank you;

Hi Len,
I actually do. I have 3x 6cm coils and 2x 28 cm (all black and new - never got to use them).
Would you be interested in any of those?

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Great I am interested in the 3x 6. My wife’s coil broke and she has to wait 8 weeks for an upgrade. With covid and masks she is have a hard time with work.
Thank you

I would like to buy any of them if you have them still.
Thank you

Thank you Len,
As a CI user myself, I can definitely imagine how stressful it can be…
All 3 coils are available and I can post as many of these as you need with expedited delivery as early as tomorrow to help your wife with her situation. I also have some spare rechargeable batteries too (also unused) if she’ll need any as backup until her upgrade.
Can you email me at with what you will need, location etc. to take it from there as far as details are concerned?

I don’t know when you posted this, but do you have a Freedom telecoil available?


I have these 2 left (unused):

as well as a barely used (used 2-3 times) 6 cm cable/coil.

Are any of those of interest?

Cables now sold. I have these items left if any is of interest:

good evening, I am interested in buying coils !:pray:t2:

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Hi. Do you still have accessories for the Nucleus Freedom?

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There are some freedom accessories on eBay. Cochlear Freedom for sale | eBay
Are you looking for anything in particular? The freedom processor came out 20 years ago so it is getting quite challenging to find parts. Does your processor look like this? I would think that you have a newer processor.