FOR SALE - 2 x Pairs - Phonak Roger Focus II & Phonak Roger Focus

Fully working Silver Phonak Roger Focus II.

Working Black Phonak Roger Focus but please note, one volume control on one does not work but the volume can still be adjusted by certain Phonak Roger Microphones.

I’m in the UK but I can post aboard.

Both for £165.00 plus shipping / postage.

Separately, silver ones for £125.00 plus postage and black ones for £70 plus shipping / postage.


Is this still available?

Yes they are still available


OK, How do I get in touch with you? Can you send me your email address, will you accept PayPal?

I would like to buy these units for my son, he has an Auditory Processing Disorder where he struggles to hear in class if there is a lot of background noise. Other than that his hearing is fine…
From the research I have done, these look like the correct type of hearing aid for this problem. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Please can you email me, my email address is



I’ve emailed you :slight_smile:


Banner color very nice! Happy buyer and Happy seller!