Flesh tone or hair color?

When people used to put a horn up to their ear to hear, do you think they worried about what color the horn was?:wink:

In the UK some think that flesh tone says:
“I am a poor person. This is a National Health Service aid wot I got free”
whereas a grey or other colour says:
“I am a rich person. I PAID for my hearing aids.”

I used a clear glass horn so it wouldn’t be noticeable.


“There are no grades of vanity, there are only grades of ability in concealing it”

I don’t try to hide my aids anymore - I would really like for my next pair to be pink, but I decided to order Unitron Passport, and unfortunately they only come in very sedate colors. But, back when I did try to hide my aids, I was most succesful with BTEs that matched my hair, which is dark brown. I had a pair of Oticon aids that were dark brown with molds that were clear with flesh tone flecks in them. People very rarely noticed them unless I wore a ponytail.

That’s why they make spray cans of paint!! :wink:

Shi-Ku (Rembrandt I’m not!) Chishiki


is the passport out yet? I dont think right?

I wrote to Unitron a few weeks ago, and they told me the Passport would be available June 15. My audi called earlier this week to see about ordering mine, and they said they would ship them on the 15th, so I expect to get mine in about two weeks. I’m trying out the Moxi 13 (CRT) with uDirect and Smart Control.

I would wait to see the features before ordering. From what I have heard, It will be
an instrument similar to siemens, Oticon. I guess we will have to wait and see.

Being that they are part of the sonova group, I wonder why not having something similar
to exelia?

There is a lot of info. available about the Passport on Unitron’s site. Here is a link to an overview of features: http://www.unitron.com/us/passport-ataglance.pdf Here is another link to read about features that includes links for technical data and user guides: http://www.unitron.com/us/ccus/professionals/government_us/govt-product_us/passport_us/passporttechnical_us.htm I still had a few questions after reading these materials, so I wrote to Unitron and asked them. Before reading about the Passport, I was sitting on the fence about whether to try Audeo Yes IX or Exelia Art. I want to try a CRT, but I do not want to give up my t-coils and on-board controls. The Passport Moxi 13 is a CRT with t-coils and on-board controls, and I am very excited about what Unitron is calling Smart Focus, which should give the user a great deal of control over the aids. The Passport is a wireless, 20 channel instrument, and there is a remote available as well as uDirect, which in the pictures looks just like Phonak’s iCom. The Passport does not have Audeo Yes’s and Exelia’s Sound Recover feature, but since I do not have high frequency loss, that doesn’t matter to me. I’m really excited about trying them out!

Phonak owns Unitron.

Although the Unitron aid designers haven’t (yet?) joined the Phonak team they all share the same chip platform.

This means that Passport and Exelia/Audeo YES are going to be very similar in style and function.

Go for the Audeo YES if you want small size, 312 battery and NO telecoil.

Go for the Passport if you want an ‘Audeo YES with a telecoil’.

Unitron products are also usually cheaper than the Phonak versions.

Do note however that a size 13 BTE such as the Passport is going to be ‘fatter’ than a 312 BTE such as the Audeo.

Also, check out the on-board control of the Unitron … the dinky little push button is not for everyone.

Finally, I like the Phonak myPilot LCD remote … but I’m not sure if there is a new Unitron remote with a similar LCD etc.

Thanks, EnglishDispenser. I did notice that Unitron’s remote (Smart Control) looks really clunky - kind of a like a T.V. remote. It does, however, have some pretty cool functions - this is not just a volume and program change remote. And while the Moxi 13 will be bigger than Audeo, I expect longer battery life - I’m happy to wear a bigger aid if it includes t-coil and costs me less for batteries. I do wish they had some snappier colors, but I’m definitely more about function than form at this point.

LOL. Nicely said. I am going to try the Exalias p left and sp right. I’ll probably get the the Graphite/High-tech gray B8 or the Blue Moon C9 (metallic blue). Anyways, i got until monday to decide on those two final choices…

I have two Naida IX UP in Blue Moon. The blue is much darker than shown at the top of naida.phonak.com. I have not seen an Exelia Art in “the flesh”, so I don’t know if they are also a darker blue.

Flesh color… yikes…

I ordered black/black duals…
Also i ordered black streamer because i think white strap around neck would soon become dirty …

I’ve had epoq in RED for over a week. Nobody’s said anything to me about them. And I really like the red color and am glad I went with what I liked instead of the blend with my hair color. I wear hearing aids, it’s not a big deal.

i like the black and sliver epoqs… they blend great if u have grey hair and wear glasses

As a 46 year old father, for my new Phonak Excelia hearing aids to replace my old flesh tone GN Resound I asked my 9 year old daughter to pick the color. She picked Colbalt/Black. I am very happy with the color choice. In the day of people wearing bluetooth headsets all of the time a cool hearing aid color is unobtrusive.

Don’t look to hide your hearing aid. Go with a cool color.

since i went from the receiver in the ear, instead of the tube molds, they are much less noticeable. if color is the issue and you want to hide it, and ur hair is more than an inch long, I’d go with hair color. flesh color doesn’t really fool the eye. i think the eye is initially drawn to inter pit something that looks like a fleshy abnormality than a stray lock.
I also feel flesh color ones look old.
that said. i’m a tall older guy with a 3/8 inch buzz cut. people say they don’t see my aids till i point them out. since they didn’t say that when i had my old aids (flesh color , tube) i don’t think it’s just out of politeness.
the kicker is i have blue epoqs.
another thing i like about reciever in the ear is i can wear sunglasses again with the smaller aid. the audio quality is better. but moisture is an issue. i have to leave them out 1/2 after showering.

The Oticons I’ve been testing have been chestnut brown. It blends pretty well with my hair. Being a veteran of many hearing aids for 40 years, I was happier than anything to finally be able to choose a color other than “flesh.”

Almost went for red and if they offered the aid in dark green, I would have gone for that.
Maybe next time I’ll be more bold. Safety orange?