First week with Opticon Inent 1

My First full week of trialling the Opticon Intent 1
I’ll try to go by what I found to be the most important to me.
! In previous models such as Unitron Moxi All and the Opticon Real, there is a massive difference in wind noise reduction. I was walking in a wind strong enough to blow my baseball cap off my head, yet I had virtually no wind noise. I did at one point hear a faint crackle but not be enough to even be worth writing about.
2 Music I love live concert bands having played in bands since the age of 14 hence my hearing problem I was a percussionist. :smiley: I attended a concert last night and set the HA’s to music the sound was amazing I could pick out instruments that in the past I would not have heard. I did have to reduce the volume quite a bit as at times the sound was overpowering. that’s something I will have to discuss with the audiologist.
3 Straming from my Google Pixel 7 pro-Mobile is great as long as I’ve set it to TV/music at other times it’s not automatically switching over if on General, but that could be my newness with these HA’s
I’ve yet to get them to link with my PC even though they are recognised but to be honest, they would have competition with the Google Pro buds but it would be nice not having to switch over.
I have yet to try them with the TV but I don’t hold much hope until streaming updates allow easy connection.
4 sound and speech, the muting of unwanted background noise in restaurants is brilliant the audiologist set mine to Restaurant 1 and Restaurant 2. 1 being mildly muted and 2 heavily muted. They have not put Tinnitus control as an option as in the past my tinnitus is so bad nothing has ever worked.
5 I found even my voice sounds clear to me with no distortions at all,
So, although they are expensive I’m very impressed I just hope Opticon will come out with software that improves streaming without the use of peripheral devices.


There might be a big difference in wind noise control when compared to the Unitron aids, but there should be no difference between the Real and the Intent when it comes to wind noise handling because the Real already has the same wind noise control technology as the Intent.

Are you saying that the Real doesn’t have good wind noise control like the Intent? Or just the Unitron?

I have had my INTENT1 aids now for 10 days. I am finding mostly the same as you, but I by my preference I only have the default program. I am enjoying music again for the first time in dacades. I am having no issues with wind noise, not even while riding my motorcycle with my aids at normal volume, yes I wear a helmet, and I don’t have any feedback issues either. In the past I needed to use the t-coil program for our church service, but with my INTENT1 that isn’t needed. I can hear the TV with the volume set to my wife’s comfort level without the need for my TV adapter. Streaming is wonderful with my Samsung S23 phone, and by the way of the connect clip when Streaming from my Fire tablet listen to audio books. I haven’t been in a really noisy environment yet, so I cannot speak to that. But conversations in a meeting with 10 of us guys at Bible study is now comfortable and easy.


Congratulations on the great results. Although I’m not an Opticon Inent 1 user I have found that listening to live music (I’m also a drummer) the levels are so much above a normal environment. I find it simpler to just lower the gain to a level that is better rather than setting a special setting just for that. Orchestral or even jazz groups can run the gamit in volume levels and ranges of frequencies so I find I can still hear all the instruments by setting my own levels to fit this scenario.

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I found with my original HA’s that I could not play the drums with them because the drums sounded far too loud but then that is probably why the director often said I was playing too loud as without the HA’s the sound to me was tolerable :slight_smile:
At the concert, I reduced the volume and it sounded excellent even the tiny sounds of Belltrees and Cabasa came through quite clearly normally they disappeared into the background.
I retired from playing and sold my drumkit just before Christmas just a member of the audience now :frowning:

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That is wonderful that you are seeing such improvement with these aids!

However, the OCD in me must point out that there is no such thing as Opticon. It’s Oticon. There isn’t a “p” in there.

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Getting used to these new Oticon Intent 1 HA’s the slightly thicker body helps as I have got a reasonable space behind the ear but I’ve had the shorter lead put on them as they hook nicely over the ear but I still feel nervous about losing them and check every time I take off my glasses that they’re still there. Had one weird situation where the left HA cut out for a few moments and then back on by itself, it has not happened since. I mentioned it to the audiologist and they will keep a check on it. I did ask them to reduce the volume a little as the left HA squealed with feedback if I touched it. Maybe, they were set too high?

I am at almost 3 weeks now with my INTENT1 aids and still can’t say anything negative about how well they are working for my speech understanding. I believe there are some minor adjustments that my audiologist can make to improve soft speakers and possibly minor adjustments for speech in noisy environments. My issue is with some minor issues with connectivity with my Samsung S23 phone, of which I already know is due to a bug that Samsung has committed to fix.

Why don’t you buy your own Noahlink Wireless 2, so you won’t have to wait for appointments with your audiologist? You can experiment endlessly. I have recently bought NW2 and I wish I had bought it sooner.

I have been getting my aids from the VA for almost 20 years, I trust my audiologist to make a better decision that i can. And as a retired IT professional, I know myself and so I know better than tinker with my audiologist’s perfection and knowledge of my hearing needs. And the fact after I retire i gave away all my computers. I only have an android phone, android tablet and a couple of kindles.

Just another good reason to get molds. They seat deeper and fit tighter than domes, and even during the covid mask daze, they don’t budge.

Another reason for molds!

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I was on the front porch this morning listening to this beautiful wind chimes and the birds.

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This is where I was today. A deer went straight pass me. No idea if they make noises tho.

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They do most especially the doe if she is calling her fawns. Here were I live I hike the forest trails, I have had deer, bear, armadillos, fox, and raccoons walk by me. They seem to understand that I mean them no harm. I grew up on a farm, and always love to be around animals. All animals are so loyal to their own kind. They can sense when another animal or even us humans are their enemies or mean them no harm.

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