Hi, I’ve just purchased the Rexton BI Core rechargeable hearing aids from Costco. I have had them for a week, and I’m not sure if my expectations are unreasonable.
I have an android phone AX5s, which is running the very basic Smart Remote App. This has been problematic. There are only 2 settings, Party, and Automatic.
I can adjust the microphone direction initially, but after approx 30 seconds, the soundscape changes, and the sound changes directionality, and I feel quite deaf, as it cuts out a great deal of sound.
I am also hearing clicking in the right HA, which I assume is the program changing on its own, but it only changes in one ear. The volume seems to only change in the right ear also.
I have the open fit domes(?) as I have cookie bite loss, which means (for me) I still have my high and low frequencies.
Human speech is the frequency I am needing, so I wanted to retain some of my natural hearing sounds, as opposed to closed ear fitting (?) Not sure of the correct terms.
That being said, i have ordered an iPhone 12, to see if that gives me more functional usability with the IPhone app version.
I have an appointment to see the Audiologist at Costco in a week.
To say I am frustrated is an understatement. The hearing aids actually make me feel deaf. I can lip read quite well, and it’s very tempting to just stop using them altogether.
I’ve had to ask my husband to repeat himself, even when I’m wearing them.
What is the reasonable expectation of hearing aid assisted hearing?
Thanks for reading.