First pair of hearing aids but see no improvement

OK, I see. Apparently the volume she set for you is not ideal like she said, so I don’t think it’d hurt to mess with the volume a little bit temporarily now until you see her again.

It’s also possible that when she tried to preprogram your aids prior to your visit, the audiogram didn’t take for some reason, or the changes made didn’t get saved into the aids upon exit if she forgot to check the box to save the programming into the aids and only checked the box to save into the data file.

Didn’t she have you put them on at the office to see if you even notice anything different, like be able to hear sharper sounds, at least from her voice or the sound of paper crumbling? Or maybe play a little music from a speaker or having you stream something from your phone?

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Yeah she did something to the paper and I can hear the difference there but nothing other than that. That’s the only thing she did when I told her that everything sounded the same with or without the aids. I thought improvement can’t be identified when streaming Because what I hear while stream is loud enough so I will hear everything anyway. Am I wrong ? Thanks

You should definitely notice a difference. Do you not even notice things are tinnier? Louder?

You should have been able to observe improvement with streaming as well, especially with music where there tends to be a full spectrum of sounds going on.

She could have and should have done more than just crumpling some paper as a test, especially after you complained of noticing little difference. It sounds like she was in a hurry to send you off, what with all the pre-programming and minimal testing/checking.

At any rate, it’s pretty obvious that something is not right, so I’m sure you’re going to try to get a revisit set up asap. In the mean time, try increasing the volume, and also try streaming music, because that’s really all that you can do for now. Also check your receiver filter for wax build up. Although it shouldn’t happen that fast, maybe you’re one of those folks who generate a lot of wax quickly.


If the oticon real are the best aids on the market then a lot of us must be idiots because those are not owned by a lot of us. Realistically the best aids are the ones that work best for you. Never heard anyone say one pair of aids are the best, except for the manufacturer


Just to clarify, the OP never said that. It’s the OP’s HCP who told the OP that per the reference below. So yeah, you should be faulting the mfgs AND the HCPs for saying that.

But if somebody says that model X from brand Y are the best FOR THEM, then it’s perfectly OK and I wouldn’t fault them for saying that either.

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They are the most recent release, the Real 1’s being the best Aids currently available from one of the leading manufacturers; sitting on an incremental platform (More) that has already proved to be one of the best products out there.

I’d be happy to tell any customer that they were the best aids currently on the market


I disagree based on my experience over 50 years of wearing aids. They may be top of the line aids currently for Oticon which means pretty much nothing except to oticon and should be considered if you’re looking for new aids. But it is definitely not the best aid for everyone.

No worries: you’re one data point. The market and early adopters seems to agree too.

Mercedes Benz claim to make the ‘Best’ automobiles in the World, but lots of people drive other stuff like Teslas: you pay your money and you make your choice.


My personal opinion is that it’s really just semantics and not to be taken for the literal sense that would be worth arguing about. When I hear that an HCP calls a brand/model aid the best, I immediately interpret it that they mean it’s the best “selling” aid based on their professional experience, that’s all. It may also be because they’re more familiar with the programming of that brand/model, or they may have good success dispensing that brand/model, so they consider it best for several reasons and not necessarily solely for performance reason.


When I got my More 2 set in Feb, the audi set them for me at 85% of target (I needed to get used to them and 100% sounded too loud and literally made me feel pressure on the sides of my head). She did some tweaking plus moved them to 100% on the second visit. She then did the REM; she said she doesn’t like to to REM until the HAs are at 100% of target. That’s how it worked out for me.

With your hearing loss, I’d expect that you had trouble distinguishing between s and f, but with the HAs they should be fairly well distinguishable in most situations. Sound should seem less muffled in comparison to without HAs. You should hear the ticking of a clock or watch that wasn’t audible before. Low frequency sounds should seem about the same (in volume and distinctness) as before, but sharp high-pitched sounds should be much more crisp and pronounced.

When my wife first began complaining that I was asking her too often to repeat herself, I obtained one used HA via ebay and had it programmed by a local audi. My high freq loss was probably in the 50-60dB range. I could tell some difference, but I certainly wasn’t picking up a ton more sound; the difference was rather subtle. Fast forward to now… my hearing has worsened, and the difference with versus without is hugely obvious to me. And I rarely need to have my wife repeat herself. I’m not missing much dialogue from the streamed tv shows or from DVD movies, either. These current HAs with the current adjustment are really doing the job well. The More and the Real are similar enough that I’d expect you to hear well with the Real set also, assuming (1) they’re at 100% of target and (2) your brain has had time to adjust to hearing sounds it may have forgotten how to interpret.

I will say this, though: if you still aren’t hearing well with ANY set of HAs by the time the possible-return time is about up, by all means take them back and try some other brand and/or other audi. If you have to go to a different place, get your hearing tested again, and get fitted with another brand or whatever, it is definitely worth persevering. And rather than the More, if I were you I’d look into trialing a Widex or a Phonak, if it comes to that; a different brand will have a different way of presenting the sound, but the More and Real probably would not sound all that different to you (if programmed the same).

I think too many people do not persevere. Interesting story: today I saw my regular doctor and he asked how I liked my HAs. When I told him I heard great and was happy, he was surprised. He said most of his patients tell him they don’t think they hear any better with them! That makes me feel sad for their sakes. And sad for the doctor, who said it was discouraging him from getting some even though his wife tells him he needs them! I recommended the place I went to; I hope he gives them a try.


That’s not what I’m saying and don’t appreciate being told what I’m saying. There is no hearing aid on the planet that’s the best hearing aid. The reason being no two losses are exactly the same. People with similar losses may hear completely different out of the same aids. So if you push the oticon aids then you’re not being completely fair to the new owner. This is not a matter of Mercedes vs Tesla. This is completely different. Which is why a trial period with different aids is incredibly important especially for those with a more serious loss

I don’t think anyone told you anything other than that you’re one subjective/experienced data point.

We sell Hearing Aids from at least 3 different manufacturers in any given year. I like the Starkey Evolv AI range too: but if you walk into one of our branches and ask for ‘the best’ we can offer you, it’s likely to be the Oticon Real 1.

If you’re an experienced wearer, it’s likely that you’ll trial the Bernafon 9 XT or the 2400Ai from our demo stock at no charge. However if you want to pay the top price, you’ll probably end up with Oticons.


No offense. I’ll move on. You can lead a horse to water…

@hass5744: Exactly, haasExactly!

No, Nothing is louder. She said I should notice that i am following conversations more easily but things don’t necessarily need to seem louder just clearer. I’ll contacted her and will have them adjusted

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Yeaaah, I contacted her and will have them adjusted . She also said sounds like they need adjustment. Will see how it goes. Hopefully I’ll hear better. Thank you for all the great advice :smiley:


Thank you for your story.this is my first time and I didn’t know how HAs are fitted so really I didn’t know what to expect or ask any question. I just asked my audi if I’m fitted at 100 target or under. How long did it take for your high frequency loss to go from 50-60db to what it is at now 90db?


I think about 15 years, or maybe it’s even been 20 years, it’s hard to recall exactly when I first started getting tested and wearing a HA.

You have hearing aids with receiverin the ear and domes…they have wax filters.

First, take the dome off and change the wax filter in each hearing aid. Put new wax filters in. Put the domes back on.

Second, put your index fingers in each ear. If there’s no change you have domes that were selected right. If the volume changes (becomes louder) you need to see your audiologist to get the dome type changed.

Hope this helps. (I found that my hearing aids were “louder” when I put a finger in each ear. It made a huge difference when Igot new domes and got rid of the open domes.)

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