First generation Jabra surprisingly waterproof

While I’ve had my Jabras since they were first introduced at Costco, it was only this week that I realized how waterproof they could be. Most of us probably don’t want to mix HAs and H2O.

You can chuckle at my misfortune which was due to a temporary brain freeze. I swim laps in our community pool during the summer. I hate swimming but go to accompany my husband who swam in college. I backstroke since it doesn’t involve having my face under water only my ears. And I wear my HAs to the pool where I take them out and place them on the book I bring. This past Saturday, I took out the left aid and was distracted before removing the right. I discovered the right aid still in my ear at the half mile mark. At this point they had been underwater for 45 minutes (yes I’m that slow). This was not a good discovery. Yes a bit of an understatement.

So I opened them up, removed the battery, shook out whatever water I could, pulled off the dome and placed them in my dryer once I got home. Had the dryer running nonstop for 5 days until today. To my surprise they started right up. I expect that their life expectancy has been greatly shortened, but they will probably hang in there until replaced in a few months.
i’ve always been worried about being caught in a downpour with my aids in, but no more!


I have been caught in downpours several times while cycling with my Jabra Pro 10s. I’ve never done anything to dry them out afterwards and they’ve never given me any problems. Costco has a generous 3-year warranty and they were so cheap compared to aids from a private audiologist that I don’t stress over them.

I have the Jabra 20s. Jumped in a lake the other day. Wasn’t in for a very long before realizing they were still in my ears, but I was definitely submerged. No issue with the aids.

I’ve also started showers many times with them in.

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I too have done this a large number of times in the past 6 months since I got my EP 20s. I wipe them off with the towel and they have been good to go. I wait a few minutes to let the water drain out of my ears, like I would anyhow, and in they go again.

Their IP68 rating implies that this should not be an issue. That said they are still pricey so caution is suggested. :joy:

Guilty of both. Just the other morning i jumped in the shower with them on and quickly realized once i put my head under the shower head. And a while ago i went swimming and dove in, swam for a few minutes until realizing i didnt take them out. Both times i dried them off and they were good to go.

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