First Bluetooth LE Audio "hearing aid" from China


Interesting stuff.
Looked for hearing aid specifications, didn’t find any.


In fact, there are no technical specifications and also the price seems rather unlikely to me (only 15 dollars)

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Around 800 USD each for their top tier aids, if you check their buying section @lello58… Apparently there are many hearing aid manufacturers in China, out with the usual western manufacturers whom outsource there, they have their own home brew aids, I recall reading up about it, a couple of years back, they have their own dispensaries in major towns and cities… At over 1 billion inhabitants, it is little wonder they baulk at our prices, and make their own… I would imagine it is fairly easy for these Chinese manufacturers to replicate/clone the internal workings, and software, to make their own aids, they appear to clone everything else… So why not hearing aids, at around an 6th of the price, that’s the export price, and you can probably bet your bottom dollar, the actual local Chinese population will be paying half that, or even less… Cheers Kev :wink:


I see experience in the acoustics field but nothing in hearing issues or hearing aid technology. That makes me very skeptical. Would they even qualify to be defined as hearing aids in the US?

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China is way behind in the high tech HA’s. the big 5 HA’s are very expensive in China. BT ear buds is very common in China and very cheap.
This HA’s look more like hearing amplifier with a nice/powerful equalizer setting apps in the phone. Longer battery life.
No much info on the web page.