Fine tuning suggestion that helped me

And of course to use this I first need NoahLink to detect my hearing aids and create a new client session?

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Yes otherwise you can’t preform the In-Situ.


Audiogram Direct only goes up to 7k which is why I’ve posted that particular one. I think my 8k is low-ish, about 60-70db.
I can’t really hear 7k and above when not in a hearing test and as @Raudrive commented I think it is the power of a hearing test versus hearing a sound naturally.
Until I carried out the test I’d assumed that I’d at least hear something if I held the tone generator up to my ear on full volume at 7kHz. My better half certainly did from 10ft away!

I think my hearing loss might be down to multiple factors: genetics, motorbike accident, ex-scuba instructor, being an idiot with headphones etc.
I can’t even imagine what the sounds that my family can hear above 8kHz from the tone generator sound like.
The highest pitch sound that I can imagine or think about in my head is about 8kHz, maybe I’ve never heard these sounds or the neurons that once did have long since packed up shop?

So would In-Situ be affected by the current HA programming or is it performed without the programming and just accounts for the ear/HA acoustics? Seems like there might be or should be an option to perform with and with-out programming to test the effectiveness of the programming?

In-situ is strictly a test with sounds at different frequency and different db.
It’s for the most part an audiogram, nothing more.
The fitting software then takes that audiogram to build the fitting prescription.
Zebras might come up with something different, not sure . We have both self fit with Phonak for 10+ years.


Your posted audiogram shows you do respond to 8K and your left ear is moderate to moderately severe so it’s unusual to have No Response when your hearing is in fact still quite good.

Sorry I mis-remembered what I’d done when I filled out my profile: the 8ks posted aren’t accurate as I didn’t have a more detailed audiogram in front of me at the time. I also meant that maybe I’ve never heard anything very high, 9kish.

Yes, that’s why I find it so weird. I last did an audiogram direct yesterday so I know that I can hear those tones through my aids when part of a test, the only difference being that I use the double tone for the test.
As I move the slider in the tone generator app I just stop being able to hear anything past about 7000Hz but it’s obviously making what others consider to be a loud noise.

My hearing is functionally quite good with HAs and I’ve just got back from a noisy restaurant where I had no issues at all so I’ve got nothing to complain about. I’m just disappointed that hearing aids don’t give me the hearing of the Six Million Dollar Man, oh well.

The audiologist has no idea I have dead spots. They dont show up right on the 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 pure tone test. Plus, Sound Recover might actually pick up a good tone and compress it into a dead spot. I suspect that is what’s happening, so when we compressed it down further we got it into a good place.

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Android. This one has a little wheel you can turn back and forth to change the frequency.

With hearing aids. Actually streaming and not speakers.

About Sound Recover, I started slowly when we first turned it on a few years ago. It gave me a chance to get used to it. Now, we just push both sliders all the way to the left and it sounds great. There are definitely some weird tones here and there, mostly with music. But, speech understanding is better.

I know I’m headed for a CI, but for this year, I’m good.

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Hey Don,
Seems I remember you using frequency lowering many years ago. You are the person that got me using it. Like you I just slid it all the way to the left. This worked well for a few years. Then speech understanding started getting really bad. So at 65 I went with cochlear implants. That was a couple years ago. It has been life changing for me. Getting back out into life again.

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Hey Raudrive! Glad that is working out. I had an exam with the ENT in town who is involved in hearing issues and he thinks I may have something going on besides just noise exposure. He wants to review an MRI I had for other reasons, and see if there is any change in my hearing in 6 months. He hasn’t said “CI” yet but I think that is what he is evaluating.

My word recognition was 20% and 40% but with Sound Recover it is much better.


I have a question about having one CI. If I don’t have Sound Recover on that ear, but I do on my hearing aid ear, would that sound horrible? Or, would I not use Sound Recover on the hearing aid ear, and the CI would fill in the gaps?

Unclear whether he’s talking about true audiometric dead regions or ‘dead spots’ where his hearing aids are not providing gain for him. If the latter, the technician wouldn’t know without REM.

Pure tones are a tough way to test hearing aids because if the hearing aids interpret it as feedback they will implement strategies to break the feedback pathway, and then you can get some weird gappy or warbly effects. This can be worsened by a poor feedback pathway due to open domes, sure.


@Neville: I understand the distinction. Thanks for explaining it so that I can appreciate it.

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This sounds like me before CI. I was 4% and 8%. Sound Recover got me into the 40-50 percent range but it was always work to listen.

By the numbers you are a CI candidate.

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This is where a real deal cochlear implant evaluation comes in. All your questions and many more will be answered. You will walk out of that office with a much greater understanding of your hearing loss.
Your post leads me to believe your doctor wants to check you out medically. That is part of a CI evaluation as is a cat scan or MRI.

With your word understanding scores it sure sounds like something worth checking out.

Good luck with this.

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I really don’t want to give definite answers to some of your questions.
This one I want to say something.

The CI will become your main hearing source and the aided side might fill in a few missing places. If it were the other way around you would not be a CI candidate.
Again, this is where the CI evaluation will answer that question.

Raudrive, you just have no hearing at the upper frequencies. Don and I still have a little. Maybe too soon for CI. Sound Recover is working for me with the Naida Paradise. I use the piano to fine tune with Target. I guess the tone generator is similar.

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