Feedback with Microphone Off

I’ve been having feedback occur with certain sounds in my right ear recently, which is most likely due to some point of sound escape around my earmold. But my concern is that even when I stream music and fully mute the microphone of my hearing aid I still get feedback. My understanding is that feedback is a result of sound escaping from the tube or mold and being picked up by the microphone of the hearing aid, much like when you hold two walkie-talkies close together, and this is what causes the high pitched noise. How am I getting feedback with the microphone off? I don’t hear any feedback when they are out of my ears streaming either, which is odd. I just hope there isn’t any problem with the aids themselves.


I get this even with Mics turned off and I’m streaming (Bluetooth). It seems to be certain sounds within the podcast I’m listing too, causes feedback.

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