I’m working on making a purchasing decision for my first set of ha’s. I have been studying and learning about the technology and market for about three weeks. I am 70, and live in a small town about 75 miles north of Atlanta, GA. I had my first audiogram done on Friday at the local All American Hearing Aid Center, which is a Starkey shop, and the only dispenser in our town. I did not get to try on a hearing aid at that appointment. On Sunday, I had a more thorough audiogram at a Costco hearing aid center, and tried out hearing aids for the first time. I wore the Kirkland Signature 6 for about 15 or 20 minutes, and the Rexton Trax 42 for another 10 of 15 minutes. I will have some questions about my experience so far, which I will post in another sub-forum.
I am inclined to buy new hearing aids online for a variety of reasons, not the least of which the prices are far less than can be obtained through a dispenser, and I am interested in eventually learning do it yourself programming/fitting of the ha’s. I am currently focusing on the Signia Pure Primax. I have looked at the features matrix for the differences between the 7px and 5px models, and I feel that I have a bit of a grasp of the feature differences, but the price difference between these two performance levels is almost $1,000.00, and I don’t have enough information to decide if there is $1,000.00 in value for going with the higher performance level. 32 channels and 16 bands vs 48 channels and 20 bands, less directionality control with the microphones, and less adjustment capability through the EasyTek software are the main differences I see. Can someone please explain to me what other feature differences there are, and how those and the other feature differences will affect the performance of these hearing aids? Someone told me that the practical difference would be about 3% to 5% in performance, but that is a very subjective statement, and I don’t have any significant experience with hearing aids. I would appreciate any help, guidance, feedback or personal experience anyone can share.