Export or backup fittings in ProFit

Is there a way to export, back up, or save fittings made through Profit? I want a backup in case I need to change computers, etc.

I remember someone else asking this a while back, it’s in patient base settings for the older inspire software, but try the profit user guide here


Thank you, unfortunately, I did not find an answer in the online manual.

I tried to connect to the SQL Server DB, but did not succeed yet:

Yeah what about doing this from C:\ drive 2019 patient base, you should find the patient files there.

It is not there, I checked.
I believe PAtientbase uses a SQL server in the background, which I can locate, but cannot access it (see te screenshot)

Are you saying it’s all done in the “cloud” through SQL Server with Profit, patient information isn’t stored on your hard drive? The user guide states “cloud” as an option, unfortunately I don’t use Profit or Starkey products so I don’t know, it certainly shouldn’t be this hard to do it, let’s thank Starkey for making it easy🤬

I have tried to find the files to delete several experimental fittings but have not found them on my PC. They don’t seem to be in the ProFit or PatientBase folders on the hard drive.

Patientpase comes together with an MS SQL 2019 database installation.
I tried to access the DB, unsuccessfully. If someone can direct us?