Expectations for speech in noise?

May I ask which app you find helpful for that? Thanks

FWIW my Signia RICs are really quite good at blocking or screening in noisy places. I think itā€™s because they force
a directional focus in front of me on that program. Even the
default regular program is not bad for it.

This is after Widex RICs which were almost useless in noise.

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I have suggested earmolds. I will discuss that again tomorrow at my appointment but it is getting toward the end of the 45 day trial so I might have to start over. My first post on this forum a few weeks ago was asking about earmolds vs domes. I agree with you.

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If what youā€™re asking is what program do I use to full background noise, itā€™s a program called Noise in my Philips 9030. The difficulty with it that I experience is it dulls all sound so I have to listen intently to whoever is speaking but at least it helps me be able to. Seems to reduce the sound space competition and that helps.


@raylock1: Iā€™m sorry - I missed it!

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Donā€™t get rid tho as you can link the Pen to the On when youā€™re walking with two other people. They can both wear 1 x Mic each.

I just noticed you said replace which makes me think youā€™re not using it.


Wise choice. I have both. The Pen is good, the On is much better, more informative (a decent display) and adjustable via the RogerMic app. It has the features of the Select (directional), and it works!


Would I have to use the Master device in Presenter mode to use both?

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Iā€™m not 100% but you could definitely link them together.

I went to a Craft evening with a friend.

She has the Roger Select and I had my Pen with me. Altho we linked them together, one kept muting no matter what.

We had the Select on the table and the person speaking had my Pen but it just didnā€™t work.

Iā€™ll have to figure out what we did wrong.

I thought 1 x Select could be used in Table Mode with another on lanyard mode?

Iā€™m sure other people have done that but I have no idea what I did wrong for it to not work.

I know you canā€™t have both in Table Mode.

The Select and Pen together worked both in lanyard mode tho.

Iā€™ll figure it out and post back.

I know if a On is in Table Mode, the other wonā€™t work at all from my understanding, from reading another persons post on here.

Maybe @kevels55 has an idea?


Maybe Iā€™m expressing myself wrong - English is not my native language. I do use the Roger Pen in table mode at parties, but if another guest has a Roger On on the table, I ask her/him if I can pair my X-Receiver with it to hear even better.

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@SpudGunner I keep hearing that if your low frequency is ā€˜okā€™ ā€˜goodā€™ that molds would not be a good choice. In your opinion, or anyone else on here - think molds would maybe benefit my hearing speech a bit better. I now have paradise P90s. Looking at getting Lumity L90s. An input is appreciated. TIA


Not entirely true, so long as you have the correct vent sizing, itā€™s a balance between low frequencies and too much feedback.


@Sequoia_Woman: Regardless of oneā€™s low frequency response, if thereā€™s too much of a drop off into the high frequencies, you canā€™t get maximal high frequency gain without a lot of feedback.

Molds allow much higher gain assistance to those damaged high frequencies - without feedback - than any kind of dome. I switched to molds about 12 years ago, and the improvement in my hearing was , well - stunning. Hope this input helps you.


No sorry Ruth, I havenā€™t done a lot of playing around or experimenting with Roger, last weekend was a sort of first for me, testing out Roger On in table mode, in noisy pubs, and restaurantsā€¦ Sorry I canā€™t be more helpfulā€¦ Now that I have retired, I canā€™t really envisage me requiring more than one remote mic, if I did, I would probably opt for the Roger Touchscreen, and I also have 3 working Roger Inspiroā€™s? Cheers Kev :wink:


I think youā€™d like molds, but everybody is different. I have them and like them very much. Itā€™s the only way I can get decent gain to higher frequencies without feedback.


No, once the Select is networked it can only be used in lanyard mode. Sucks. I canā€™t think of why this should be the case other than to protect the table mic as a product.

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Completely rubbish. I bet itā€™s so people buy the actual Table Mic II.

Just to confirm, so the Pen and Select can only be both in lanyard when linked together?

Yes. The table mic is the only one that can still do table duty while networked, thatā€™s right. All others will mute if you set them down.

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Itā€™s just Phonak making money I guess as the Table Mic II is :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:

Thank you for answering why it wouldnā€™t work for me tho.

Can I just confirm that all of the Roger Mics will only work in Lanyard Mode if linked together if it isnā€™t the Table Mic II?


If you put the Lumity in Restaurant mode it does an amazing job of cutting down the background noise. But then the mic wonā€™t work. So if you can manage with just your hearing aids without a mic that might help. I need both, and itā€™s frustrating to have to choose between them.

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