Easyline Remote vs MyPhonak in KS 9 and 10

This info might be in here somewhere, but I’m not finding it readily.
I think I know that for KS10 that Easyline Remote works but MyPhonak doesn’t. I know (from personal experience) that MyPhonak works with KS9. Does latest Easyline Remote work with KS9? Are there any differences now between MyPhonak and Easyline Remote (other than compatibility) Thanks.

I can definitely confirm that the KS10s do NOT work with my phonak…
According to Easy Line Remote the KS9s DO WORK with easy line remote. Not sure if there are ANY significant difference once the latest updates are available (My Phoneak appears to come out with them earlier…)

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Thanks. Guess I’ll stick with MyPhonak. I’m guessing the only reason to change would be if I wanted to try remote programming sessions with Costco. Thanks again.