Dual Phonak apps for old and new version hearing aids

I have Audeo M90 aids and B90 aids I use as backups and in some risk of loss situations. eg fishing. . I have the current version IOS and at present have the app called Phonak RemoteControl Version which links to the B90 via the ComPilot device. I know I need the myPhonak app for the M90’s. So am trying to understand if I can have both apps on the iphone simultaneously and use the one relevant for the HA at the time. I do not want to download the myPhonak app to find that it overwrites/removes the current old version HA app. Much appreciate any insight and advice re this dual app scenario.

The App that works with the ComPilot and B90 etc does not work with the latest iOS update.

It’s been discontinued as Phonak are focusing on the myPhonak App.

Works with both Venture and Belong.

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Thanks Zebras … saved my butt by sn hour or two. I just immediately turned off the IOS auto update function. I have been using RemoteControl and ComPilot all day for my phone calls and also assumed I was on current IOS given it’s been set to auto update. A quick check showed I was on V 15.5 and 15.6 was due for download and install TONIGHT. So I guess you referred to 15.6 re your comment about not working with latest version. The only solution I see now is to download the current iphone backup onto a second iphone used just for RemoteControl app and my ComPilot and ComPilot air devices. Then after safely installed … turn on auto update again on my primary iphone. Phew.

Hmmm … there again I wasn’t actually using the app today and maybe ComPilot talks to iPhone without the app.


Are you sure you’ve been using it as it hasn’t worked since iOS 13.

When you say you’ve been using the ComPilot and RemoteControl for phone calls, have you just been using the ComPilot as a remote control on it’s own?

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Yes you’re absolutely right. Just the ComPilot… I never knew that the compilot could work on its own without the app snd assumed the app was ticking away in background to provide the connectivity. Ignorance is definitely not bliss! Oh well, great to know that I can continue using the old HA and Conpilot, delete the old app, and turn my auto iOS upgrades back on. Appreciate your help very much.