Dome Dilemna

I’m a HA newb, trying to optimize the fit of my Oticon Real miniRITEs. My audi initially gave me 6mm Open Bass domes. Great for talk and environmental sound but not so great for streaming music (compared to Sony XM4 cans or AirPods Pro). I switched to 6mm Bass Double Vent, and streaming was a little better, but still not very good. Next, we tried 8mm Bass Double Vent, and WOW - finally streaming music sounded okay. However, they’re not as comfortable, and sometimes they block too much environmental sound or make me feel like I have water in my ears.
I’d like to try 7mm domes that fit my receivers, but I can’t find any.
Advice? Suggestions?

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Streaming is a challenge with your good low frequency hearing.
The vents lose all the bass.
Occluded domes are your best bet.


You might like Oticon Grip Tip. You could also try other manufacturers domes. Many are compatible, but use some care. Having a dome come off in your ear can be unpleasant. However, my “Advice” would be not to expect your hearing aids to be great for streaming music. If streaming music with great bass is important, I’d stick with your other options. You might also ask for more bass in the streaming program.


There are no such thing at 7mm domes for Oticon!

Raudrive has the right idea - either you a) use more occluding domes or earmolds and therefore keep more bass sound IN, but less natural sound can get in, or b) use open domes and have more natural sound but less streaming bass.


Try the Starkey domes, they have a 7mm. That’s what I had to do for my Philips 9040s, and the receivers should be the same. You can get them in a box with different sizes.
You’ll still probably have a problem with streaming bass if you get the open, but probably worth a try. You could also get the 7mm closed.

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Thanks, all! As usual when I post a question here, I’ve got several new options to investigate.


Some sort of lubrication on the domes can make the tight fit more comfortable. I use olive oil.

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I know this is an old post, but I have had a similar problem. My audiologist was able to increase the “phone” sounds when I am streaming audio from my phone to my hearing aids. He may also have blocked out more background noise as well. I think there are some additional settings strickly for phone streaming that are on top of your regular listening settings. I don’t need to go to a different audio program either. Phone conversations, streaming podcasts and watching youtube videos is working great for me after he did that.

Did you ever find a suitable bass, double vented, 7mm dome to work on your Oticon aids?