Does this sound familiar to you?

Hi all, wondering if anyone has a similar hearing story to mine. I have always had a unilateral severe to profound loss in 4000-8000, right side only, since at least kindergarten. At some point around 2018, I developed a mild loss at 3000, right side only. I am now 51. This year, my classroom has been extremely noisy due to a screaming co teacher. I have lost some hearing on both sides now, the left is mild at 250-1000, slight/normal in the middle, and mild high frequency again. The right now has mild low frequency loss, normal in the middle, and mild to profound from 3000-8000. I have some pustular tinnitus in both sides that comes and goes, usually only one ear at any given time, and it doesn’t really bother me much. I have some feeling of fullness in my left ear or sometimes the right, that comes and goes and I usually notice it in the mornings. Does any of this sound familiar to you? I am guessing my loss is genetic from my grandfather but beyond that I don’t know the cause. I have had only one small vertigo episode about 3-5 years ago, and it lasted only a few minutes. Still, I wonder if I have a mild form of mernieres or a related syndrome?

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Hello, snorkelfan,

I don’t have a similar hearing loss to yours, so I can’t really address that question. However, I am a retired teacher, and I am concerned for you having to deal with a screaming co-teacher. This is so harmful, to you as well as to the kids, and I urge you to try to get someone in administration to do something about it.

I have been lucky in having worked in a school where, if a teacher was a screamer, the parents would be in the office talking to the principal, and going to the school board after that.

I hope that you can get the answer to your hearing question, but for your and the kids’ sake, I hope you can get that teacher out of the classroom.



Dear Katy, Thank you so much. I was in the same role for 8 years and it was great. Then, my co teacher retired and this person was her replacement. It’s been awful. I have actually filed a grievance with the union and will have a meeting with admin soon. They haven’t done anything about this all year long. I wish her well and I know she has her own issues. She was not qualified for this job and it was a mistake for them to give it to her. It was not fair to me or the kids. She is seeking something more in line with her experience and knowledge for next year. I am also considering leaving the school for next year, and teaching elsewhere. I definitely don’t want to work with an unknown co teacher again, because all of this could happen again.

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So sorry, and I hope that this works out!

I was able to retire in 2022 , and I dearly miss the kids, but I’m so glad that I could do it.

Best of luck!


Are sure she is a teacher?
She could be a cop!!!


That would be great!! lol. Unfortunately not even close. :rofl::relieved::joy:

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Geez Snorkelfan, you do have an unusual audiogram. Even so, I wish it was MINE! :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe odd question, but if you’re a snorkel fan, could you have recurring issues from snorkeling? Like water in the ear related to the pustular tinnitus? I also LOVE to snorkel, and actually swim in a pool regularly for exercise wearing a snorkel mask & pipe. But I put earplugs in to keep the water out.

I wouldn’t be too concerned about the episode of vertigo. Sometimes that can be triggered by medication, food or illness. (Or at least that’s been my experience.)

WOW. That co-instructor sounds like a nightmare on two legs! :face_with_spiral_eyes: I would literally want to pull her aside and say “You’re making my ears BLEED! You’re also adding to stress here, so please keep your volume down.”

I guess some folks simply don’t know when they’re yelling! Maybe she has a hearing loss even worse than mine? :smirk:

Hope you work things out with your own issues and the classroom BULLHORN.


Hi Bluejay, yes, thank you, it is unusual!!

Although I’m a snorkel fan, I don’t do it very often. I haven’t gone in at least 2 years…so I am overdue for it!

I am suspecting that I have cochlear hydrops, because of the fluctuating loss. When I test my own hearing using phone apps, I am getting varied results…sometimes low frequency loss, sometimes mid frequency loss, sometimes a bit less or a bit more than what’s on my audiogram. I also have kind of a full feeling in both ears that comes and goes, and decreased tolerance for loud noises.

I have an appointment with an audiologist tomorrow to look into it more…they may refer me to an ENT.

The co teacher is a nice person, apart from the problems on the job. It has been a nightmare of a year though. At this point, a lot of the kids scream instead of speaking, or speak several at a time…it’s just a horrible place to be, and times like right now (I’m on lunch break) it takes a lot for me stay here and not just go home sick right now.

Thank you though…I know the year is almost over and I will not allow myself to be in this situation again.

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I hope you’re referred to an ENT, cuz it sure does sound like a physical issue with the feelings of fullness and hearing frequency fluctuations.

You seem very accommodating and understanding - no wonder you’re a GREAT teacher! I’d have long since done an Al Capone on the LOUDSPEAKER. But then I’m pushing 70, getting crankier, and PUSHING back more as needed. :blush:

Keep us informed after the appointments, as I’m sure there are others with the same issues. Fullness in ears - CHECK! Frequency fluctuations - CHECK! That’s just me.


I have a fullness or “dead” feeling in my bad ear, but its all the time. Its why i can tolerate zero vent in my right mold. But i lately have been using a very very smal vent just for hopeful ventilation. I have had a fre bouts of vertigo that lasted less than a day but its been a few years since last episode. I get very dizzy with only one 360 and know it has something to do with my ears.
My dad had heredity one sided loss so maybe why i do.
My new doc sent me to ENT who sent me to Head and Neck doc who just did a ct and mri on my middle ear and brain looking for anything to explain my unequal loss. I dont have any results yet, just had it done on Saturday

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I am assuming you meant you have Pulsatile tinnitus. You have to read this.

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Thank you so much for this, ronshere. I will mention this tomorrow to the audiologist. Maybe they can do some of the tests right there.

Mr Smithster have you always had an unequal loss?

No. I developed unequal loss starting at about 50ish. My dad also had unequal loss that he was born with and had surgery in the mid 60’s that helped but he still needed aids.
I may have had unequal loss all along but never noticed it until my loss increased. Wasnt tested until later in life.
I do have some sinus issue going on, same side as my bad ear and that seems to have triggered getting a ct and mri.

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I saw an ENT today and she said my pressure scores show Eustacian Tube Dysfunction, which might clear up with allergy medication. She said I had that problem back in 2021, too. I wonder why I have that loss on one side only…is the inner ear shaped differently, or just missing some hair cells, or maybe scarring from an ear infection as a toddler? Good luck, hopefully they find nothing for you and you can chalk it up to something you had always.

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I had the same diagnosis, and the ENT recommended to try Otivent. I tried this for 3 months, but without solving the Eustacian Tube Dysfunction problem. I am curious which medication your ENT will describe, please let me know, thanks!

She mentioned Flonase.

My ENT has me on two Claritin daily, three when the pollen count is high, and Flonase.
Also consider Eustachian tube massage: Eustachian Tube Massage - Heart of Wellness: Family Medicine, Naturopathic Physicians, Integrative Medicine

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Whatever problems we have with Eustacian Tubes, they are not the cause of the sensorineural loss, is that correct?

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I had severe and numerous ear infections as a toddler. Also abused my hearing with loud music (1970’s rock concerts, no db limits back then) and was into motorcycle racing as well as plinking with guns when i lived in the boonies as a teen. All of this along with my dad’s heredity loss and i can see why i hear as bad as i do.
I just received my mri and ct results and have no inner ear or brain issues. I do have an odd nasal issue though docs dont think that relates to my hearing much.
Picking up some new Jabra’s tomorrow, hoping for better comprehension. Best wishes